Kenmore Dryer Making Noise: How to Fix? (Quick Answers)

Kenmore dryers have become common recently. However, the number of complaints regarding these dryers is on the rise.

Kenmore dryer making noise

Several faults can be responsible for the unusual noises made by Kenmore dryers. There can be problems with the drive belt, drum roller axle, blower wheel, drum bearing, drum support bearing, idler assembly, etc. Some of these problems are fixable, and you can fix them yourself at home.

Recently, most users have objections about the machines making unusual sounds.

We will discuss why you might be hearing such sounds and what you can do to prevent these annoying sounds.

Rattling noise:

If your Kenmore dryer has aged for a few years, it is usual to make such sounds. Clattering noises can indicate that the fan housing is defective or the fan has become loose. Moreover, it can also show that the drum bearings and belts have uneven surfaces if you hear rattling noises while the machine is running.


If the fan housing is defective or the fan has become loose, you can try screwing it more securely. On the other hand, if the drum belt or the drum bearings have uneven surfaces, you can replace those parts to prevent this sound.

Grinding noise:

Grinding noise can happen due to several reasons. During the cycle, if you hear a grinding noise from inside the machine, it is because of the drum. The drum is probably not running smoothly, and you will also observe the appliance shaking and rumbling. However, metal objects hitting the drum sides, worn rollers, damaged tensioners, and disintegrating gliders can also be the root of this noise.


If you have issues with other parts, such as the rollers, you can buy a replacement and install them. Also, ensure no protruding parts are scraping the drum on the sides.

Squeaking or screeching noise:

Sometimes, the tension pulley becomes faulty and causes the drive belt to loosen. The drive belt starts producing a screeching noise, and the pulley makes squeaking sounds.


If the tension pully has a problem, you can buy a replacement and install it yourself. You can check if the pulley is faulty by opening all the necessary cabinet panels and manually spinning them. On the other hand, you can replace the drum belt if that is making a screeching sound while working.

Scraping noise:

A dryer can make scratching noises for various reasons. One reason can be that the metal drum is scraping on something as it moves. You will also hear this sound if the plastic bearings have worn out and there is a lack of clearance between the drum and the back panel.


If the scraping noise occurs while the drum moves, see if anything is scraping against it. Adjust the parts to prevent this sound from happening. If the root of the sound is worn-out plastic bearings or a lack of clearance between the drum and rear panel, you can replace the bearings and call a technician to help with the clearance issue.

Clunking noise:

Loose fans and the heat pump working at high pressure are possible causes of clunking noises. If you hear hammering or knocking sounds from the dryer, the fan has probably become loose and is hitting the sides of the fan housing. Moreover, the heat pump can also have restricted airflow, causing it to work under high pressure. It will also produce metallic knocking sounds.


There are two solutions to a loose fan. You can either open all the panels, gain access to the fan, and secure the screw holding the fan or buy a replacement for the fan if it has loosened permanently. Additionally, you should ensure enough clearance behind the dryer so the heat pump can have ventilation.

Banging noise:

New dryers make banging noises because of transit bolts and blocks. The dryer will make such sounds because the transit bolts bump and bang the drum. Dryer manufacturers expect you to remove those after installation before using the machine.


Remove the transit bolts from the drum. Additionally, there are transit blocks in the door that you should remove too. Keeping those in will create unwanted banging sounds in the future.

Thumping noise:

Thumping or banging sounds happen because of transit bolts inside the drum that hit the metal part during cycles. Additionally, you may hear this noise if the fan has become loose. Also, protruding parts toward the metal drum inside the dryer can cause this sound.


To change or secure the loose fan, you will have to open some panels and reach the fan housing inside the dryer. Then, you can tighten the screw holding the fan in place. Otherwise, you can replace it with a new fan. Also, check if any parts have the potential of hitting the drum as it is spinning. If present, call an appliance technician for help.

Humming or buzzing noise:

The humming or buzzing noise can only be the result of a stuck motor. If the motor cannot spin the drum or the fan motor is stuck, you will hear a low buzzing sound. Depending on which motor is stuck, you may see that the drum is not rotating. All the other functions will work but the drum will not move or the fan will not be able to push hot air through the clothes.


You can try two solutions to prevent humming noises from happening. Firstly, check what is causing the drum to stop rolling. You may see a part holding the drum still or there can be less than adequate clearance. To solve this, you should call an appliance technician. Secondly, you can try replacing the motor with a new one if it has become old and cannot provide enough power to function. Replacing the part will cost you a few dollars and you can do it yourself.

Rumbling noise:

Rumbling noise of a dryer is associated with the wearing out of the bearings. As the drum bearing wears out, you will hear the machine making some rumbling sounds and you will see the appliance shake. This motion will ensure that the drum bearings are not working smoothly and are causing the drum to vibrate unusually.


The only solution to fixing a worn-out bearing is to replace it. To do this, you will have to purchase a replacement and install it. However, installing a drum bearing is more complex than it sounds since you will have to deal with the drum belt as well. Therefore, it is a better choice to call a certified appliance technician to install you.

Clicking noise:

If you hear a continuous clicking sound from inside the machine, it is the fan hitting the fan housing. Either the fan has become loose, or there is insufficient clearance for the fan to rotate freely.


You can replace the fan if it has become loose permanently due in the long run. On the other hand, if there is insufficient clearance in the fan housing, call an expert technician to help you.

Knocking noise:

Knocking noise can occur for several reasons. One reason is that the heat pump is operating at high pressure. This can cause the heat pump to create knocking sounds from inside the machine. Another reason can be the fan frequently hitting the walls of the fan housing.


If the heat pump has become defective, you can replace it yourself. To do this, you will have to open some panels and install the new heat pump in place of the old one. For a faulty fan, you can tighten the screw holding the fan in place or install a replacement if necessary.

These are the possible causes of the different types of sounds you may hear from your dryer and how you can fix them.

Is Kenmore dryer making noise common?

It is common for Kenmore dryers to make noises if they have been in use for a long time. After you have used the appliance for long years, the bearings will begin to wear out and the drum belt will become slack. So, you will hear unwanted noises coming from the machine.

After a significant number of years of service, you will begin to hear squeaking or screeching noises. It is normal because the drum bearings will wear out and the fan screws will become loose. If you wish to continue using your Kenmore dryer, you will have to purchase and install the replacement parts necessary to avoid hearing these noises.

Final Thoughts

For an old Kenmore dryer, it is normal for it to make certain kinds of noises. As the appliance ages, the bearings and other moving parts will wear out and produce weird sounds. However, you can buy and install replacements to keep using the device.