How Much Do Heat Lamps Cost? How Much Does It Cost to Run?

Heat lamps have been gaining increasing popularity across the nation due to their functionality and effectiveness.

Not only do they help care for amphibian pets by offering proper incubation, but they are also used as a source of light in bathrooms and showers.

But how much does it cost to buy a heat lamp and run it? We’ll break down various aspects associated with its cost and maintenance in this article. Read ahead to learn more about it.

How much do heat lamps cost? How much does it cost to run?

A heat lamp costs something between 3 to 10 USD if you’re buying from retail. The price varies depending on the size and wattage of the lamps. And the heat lamps cost between 3 to 5 USD per week to run if you’re using them continuously. Again, the cost varies depending on the power of the light.

How much do heat lamps cost?

If you’re going to purchase a heat lamp, then it is going to cost you about 3 to 10 USD. Then you will have to calculate the cost to run the heat lamp. And if you’re running the heat lamp continuously for a week, it will cost you about 3 to 5 USD on average.

Do heat lamps use a lot of electricity?

Yes, heat lamps do use a lot of electricity. On average, you will find that a heat lamp that runs on 250-watt electricity will consume about 1 kWh of energy if you run it continuously for 4 hours.

And in the context of cost, you will find that the same 250-watt heat lamp will cost you something about 21 USD if you run it continuously for 24 hours for 30 days.

On the other hand, if you’re running a heat lamp of 100 watts, it will cost you about 0.0225 to run for 4 hours continuously.

Some heat lamps operate through infrared lights, which are relatively heat-efficient and use up much less electricity. They do not use a lot of electricity even if you’re running them continuously.

How much does it cost to run a heat lamp?

If you’re trying to estimate the cost of running a heat lamp, you will have to take into account the wattage of the heat lamp and the duration of its operation.

75 Watt heat lamp:

This wattage is equivalent to a fluorescent bulb. If you’re running a heat lamp of 75 watts for 4 hours per day, then at the end of the month, it will cost you from $.25 to $.90 per month.

100 Watt heat lamp:

If you’re running a heat lamp of 100 wattages for about 4 hours per day for a month, then it will cost you about 1.20 USD.

125 Watt heat lamp:

If you’re using a 125-watt heat lamp for at least 4 hours every day for an entire month, it will cost you at least 1.50 USD at the end of the month.

150 Watt heat lamp:

If you’re running a heat lamp of 150 watts for at least 4 hours per day for an entire year, then you will have to pay about 150 USD a year.

250 Watt heat lamp:

To run a 250-watt heat lamp continuously for 24 hours a day, without break, for an entire month, you will have to pay about 21 USD at the end of the month.

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How much does it cost to run a heat lamp for a month?

How much it costs to run a heat lamp for a month mainly depends on the runtime of the lamp and its wattage and power. If you’re using a heat lamp that is powerful and continues to use it for long hours, then it will cost you more at the end of the month.

On the other hand, you will have to pay much less if you’re using a heat lamp that is relatively deemer even if you run it 24 hours a day for an entire month. The prominent factor here is the wattage.

On the contrary, running a powerful lamp for shorter periods will not cost you as much since the runtime is less. So you’re not using much electricity. So the cost largely depends on these factors.

But there is a general consensus that if you run a heat lamp of 250 watts for 24 hours continuously for a whole month, then it will cost you something between 21 to 22 USD. This estimation offers a clear idea of what the maximum cost might look like.

To take a more realistic approach, let’s assume that you are using a heat lamp of 125 watts for at least four hours each day for a whole month. In such a case, you will be billed approximately 1.50 USD at the end of the month.

How much does it cost to run a heat lamp for animals?

Running a heat lamp is very important to keep the livestock under your care warm and cozy. But the cost of it is a common concern. Let’s take a look at how much it costs to run a heat lamp for animals.

Heat lamp for chickens:

Chickens do not really need heat lamps. They do just fine as long as you keep them in a dry place that does not catch much wind.

However, if you’re living in a cold region, supplemental heating may be necessary then. You can use a 250 watt heat lamp to keep your chickens warm. It costs 12 cents per hour.

Heat lamp for a tortoise:

You can use a heat lamp of 60 to 100 watts. This will be enough to keep your pet tortoise warm and comfortable. It will cost you about 0.84 USD per hour.

Heat lamp for a snake:

Snakes need a heat lamp to keep them comfortable. You can use two heat lamps, each on a 12-hour cycle, for your snakes. A heat lamp for your reptile friend will cost you about 18 USD per quarter.

Heat lamp for a bearded dragon:

Heat lamps for bearded dragons are very essential. They need to be kept warm almost all the time. To run a heat lamp for your bearded dragon, you will have to pay about 12 to 18 USD.

Heat lamp for a gecko:

For a gecko, you will need a heat lamp of 100 to 150 watts. The heat lamp will cost you about 150 USD per year.

Heat lamp for a lizard: A 60-watt heat lamp will do perfectly fine for a lizard. It is supposed to cost you about .50 USD per hour.

How much does a bathroom heat lamp cost?

How much will a bathroom heat lamp cost at the end of the month mainly depends on the running time of the light, its power, and voltage.

For example, if you run two heat lamps, with a power of 275 watts each, then you will be charged about $14 at the end of a quarter. This is considered a mid-range heat lamp.

On the other hand, if you consider a high-end heat lamp with a stronger light, then the cost will be higher. If you run a heat lamp of 1000 watt for about an hour for an entire quarter, then you will be billed about $25 at the end of the quarter.

How long do heat lamps last?

The answer mainly depends on the usage, power, and strength of the light. You will also have to factor in how frequently the light was used in order to estimate how long will heat lamps last.

When used carefully, a heat lamp may last as long as 6 months. But on average, you will find that you’re having to change the heat bulbs after every 3 to 4 months.

But if you don’t use it as often, then the bulb can last much longer than that.

However, even if your heat lamp continues to work after 4 months, it would be wise to change it anyway. This is because when the light is used for a certain period, the beneficial UV rays burn out from the light.

The light then begins to emit harmful rays. In such a case, you will be exposed to harmful radiation if you keep on using the light for too long.

Final thoughts

The price and running price of a heat lamp mainly depend on its wattage, run time, and features. It is likely to cost you between $3 to $10 from retail. And depending on the wattage of the heat lamp, it will cost you between $3 to $5 to run them continuously for a week.