Do Steam Dryers Need a Water Line? (Read This First!)

Steam dryers are an important modern-day appliance for completing household drying. They are mainly used to terminate germs in the clothes by using high temperatures as well as they completely bring back the refreshing smell in the clothes.

As the steam dryers produce steam in order to dry off your clothes, therefore, there can be confusion whether the steam dryers will need a water line or not. Well, in this article we have tried to find the answer to your confusion.

Do steam dryers need a water line?

Steam dryers do need a water line as they will require a water source to form the steam as the steam completely dries off your clothes, removes the fusty smell from clothes, and terminates the germs. The steam dryer will have a Y connection so that you can easily connect your cold water supply.

Well, the steam dryers will require a water line in order to receive sufficient water so that the dryer can produce enough steam to dry off your clothes.

The steam is really important because the steam dryers usually use high-temperature steam made from water in order to dry off your clothes. Most of the steam dryers come with a port or Y connection so that you can connect a water line on the connection.

However, we will also evaluate whether the Samsung or LG steam dryers need a water line or not in the below:


Well, the LG steam dryer does need a water line in order to produce steam for the dryer. Because the LG steam dryers don’t come up with any other external source so that the dryer can produce steam from it.


The Samsung steam dryers also need an external water line in order to produce the steam. However, these steam dryers come up with a Y connection so that you can connect your cold water in it very easily.

Reasons why steam dryers need a water line

Steam dryers basically run on using the high temp steams in order to terminate the germs in your clothes. Steam dryers turn your hard fabric clothes softer so that you can feel comfortable whenever you wear them.

If you have wrinkles in your clothes then the steam dryer can easily remove wrinkles with the help of the steam.

The high temp steam makes sure that your clothes don’t have any musty smell that they get from washing as well as removes the bad odor that comes from clothes if you don’t wash them.

There are not many reasons behind the high importance of why the steam dryer needs a water line. But there is one important reasons why a steam dryer needs a water line. The reason is described below:

For producing steam:

Steam is an integral part of drying clothes with the help of steam dryers. Steam totally removes the bad smell from your clothes as well as terminates the harmful bacteria from your clothes.

Therefore, in order to produce steam in your steam dryer, you will need a water source. Nowadays, the manufacturers of steam dryers don’t come up with an internal mechanism for supplying water internally.

Therefore, you will need to connect an external water line to your steam dryer.

Can I use a steam dryer without water?

No, you cannot use a steam dryer without water. As most of the steam dryers will need a sufficient water source in order to produce enough steam to dry off your clothes.

In addition, steam dryers will need to have a cold water line connected to them all the time in order to convert the cold water into hot steam.

However, nowadays most modern steam dryers come with non-steam cycles in which you will be able to use your steam dryer without connecting to the water.

Also, you can buy those dryers that come up with no steam option. In those dryers you won’t be using any steam, therefore, you will not be required any external water source.

But the dryers which use steam in order to dry off your clothes will require an external water source. Without water, the steam dryer won’t be able to work on your clothes.

What do you need to hook up a steam dryer water line?

You won’t need a lot of tools or instruments or tools in order to hook up a steam dryer water line. But above all, the most important thing is that hooking up a steam dryer water line follows some complicated steps.  

The instruments you will need to hook up a steam dryer are widely available in the market. However, we have noted all the instruments that you will need to hook up a steam dryer water line:


You will need screwdrivers in order to connect the hose to the waterline. In addition, you will also need a screwdriver in order to connect the water line to the dryer.

Wrenches, nut-driver, and pliers:

Wrench, nut-driver, and pliers will be required in order to set up the dryers. Depending on the brand, you will also need strippers for wires in order to connect the cable to the dryer.


Your steam dryer will need a 250-volt receptacle so that it can able to supply non-stop power to the heating instruments.

How to hook up a water line to a steam dryer?

You will need proper tools and you will need to follow the right method in order to hook up a steam dryer water line. However, you can follow our below steps in order to hook up a steam dryer water line:

Gather up the pieces of equipment:

Well, you will need tools like the screwdrivers and wrench because you might need to adjust the pegs and tubing.

Buy an external hose:

You will need an external hose in order to connect the steam dryer to the external water source. In addition, the steam dryers usually don’t come up with the hoses therefore, you will need to buy one.

Make spaces around the steam dryer:

Make sure that there is no furniture or things around the steam dryer. It is really important to make sure that there are no appliances in between the waterline and the steam dryer.

Take the measurements:

Properly take out the measurement of the dryer and your space so that it can perfectly fit on the space. Also, make sure that after installing the dryer have a proper balance on leveling pegs on the top.

Hook up the water line to the steam dryer:

Now you have to find the Y port on your steam dryer. Most of the steam dryers come with a Y connection because you can connect the water line on the Y connection very easily. Now you have to check if the water is connected perfectly to the Y connection and turn on the dryer if the dryer works or not.

Does a steam dryer use hot or cold water?

Most steam dryers use cold water in order to produce the steam. Also, the steam dryers also use hot air in order to dry off the clothes. The cold water produces hot steam which reduces wrinkles on the clothes and removes the bad odor from the clothes.

If you use hot water on your steam dryer then it will cause a malfunction inside the appliance and you will need to take it to the service center.

However, nowadays many modern steam dryers have the option of using hot water. This option is basically used to save the time that the dryer uses to convert the cold water into hot steam. Therefore if you want to save time then you can certainly go for these types of steam dryers.

In addition, if you want to use hot water on your current steam dryer, make sure you take a look at the manufacturer guide or give a call on the call center whether you can use hot water or not.

Does a steam dryer need a drain?

Well, a steam dryer will need a drain if there is a possibility of leakage otherwise it doesn’t. Most of the steam dryer doesn’t leak but sometimes it can, therefore if you want to be extra careful then you can set up a drain on your steam dryer.

Another reason you might need a drain on your steam dryer if it’s set up on the floor of your living space. You will need to set up a drain under your steam dryer in case if there are chances of leakage

Final Thoughts: 

Steam dryers do need a water line because they will need to produce the hot steam by using the water for the dryer so that you can reduce the bad odor and wrinkles on your clothes. The water line needs to be connected perfectly with the dryer as well as you have to make sure that the water is cold.