Can You Put Freezer in Closet? (Read This First!)

A lot of people wonder if they can put a freezer in a closet. This adds to spacing convenience for a lot of people.

In this article, we are going to address this common concern. If this sounds like something that you would be interested to learn more about, then read ahead!

Putting freezer in closet

You can put a freezer in a closet. But there are some conditions that you will have to take into account. Make sure that is enough room for air circulation inside the closet, especially behind the freezer. To be specific, you can put an upright freezer inside the closet.

Freezers are a central home appliance; fitting them in the right place is essential to ensure convenience and durability. A freezer is generally used as the second fridge. So, many people find it quite challenging to make enough room for it.

If you have a freezer-sized closet in your home, then there should be no issue if you put it in the closet. You can easily put the freezer in a closet. But there are some strings attached here.

You will have to check a few conditions in order to ensure the safe placement of the freezer in the closet. You will have to ensure that there is enough breathing space inside the closet.

Note that freezers release a significant amount of heat while they are operating. So you will have to make sure that the heat is not trapped inside the closet.

Make sure that the closet has enough facilities for proper air circulation. This is especially essential at the back of the freezer.

The heat is mostly released through the back of the freezer. So you will have to ensure enough space at the back of the closet. There should be a vent at the back as well. This will ensure that the freezer remains in good condition inside the closet.

Chest freezer:

You can definitely put a chest freezer in a closet. However, the chest freezer is quite bulky in size. So you might need to customize a closet in order to fit your chest freezer in the closet.

All you have to do is make sure that is enough room for ventilation inside the closet when you put the chest freezer inside it.

Deep freezer:

You can also put a deep freezer inside the closet. It is important to make sure that the deep freezer has enough breathing space inside the closet when you place it inside.

But deep freezers come in a flat and bulky size. It is likely that you will not find a ready-made deep freezer closet in the market. So it would be ideal to customize a closet for your deep freezer.

Make sure to keep some space around the freezer on all sides. This will make sure that the freezer has enough room for airflow and ventilation. This space will also help the freezer release all the heat quite comfortably.

Upright freezer:

Yes, you can put an upright freezer in the closet. Upright freezers are generally pretty high, so you will need a tall enough closet in order to accommodate it.

In addition, make sure that the upright freezer has enough space at its back to release the heat.

There should be enough ventilation space inside the closet as well. Otherwise, the heat will be trapped inside the closet, which will make a hostile environment for the freezer. This will weaken the durability of the freeze as well.

How much ventilation does a freezer need?

When you are putting a freezer in the closet, you will always need to make sure that there is enough room for ventilation inside the closet. Otherwise, the heat released from the freezer will be trapped inside.

A freezer will need ventilation on all sides of it. Make sure to keep some space on all sides around the freezer.

As for an upright freezer, you should keep at least 3 inches of space on the top, 3 inches on each side, and 2 inches on the back. This will make the ideal ventilation space that a freezer needs.

This space is a must-keep in order to ensure that your freezer has enough breathing space around it. You should make sure that there is sufficient space to allow airflow inside the closet.

Otherwise, the freezer will have a hard time operating, releasing heat inside the close. It may even begin to malfunction after a while.

2 Reasons why you can put the freezer in the closet

There are several reasons why people prefer putting the freezer in the closet. Let’s take a look at 2 reasons why you can put the freezer in the closet.

Efficient spacing:

When you put a freezer in the closet, you will be making efficient use of space. Putting a freezer in a closet will help you save a lot of space. Freezers are generally pretty bulky in size.

So they will take up a lot of space in your home. But if you can put them in a closet and hide it from plain sight, then it will save some space in the kitchen or dining space.


Putting the freezer in a closet will help you retain the aesthetic value of your home. Since freezers are pretty bulky in size and shape, they do not add much to the aesthetic value of your home.

So most people prefer putting them away in a closet, so that the freezer will serve all its duty alright, but does not bring down the aesthetics of the house.

You can design the closet in a manner that aligns with the rest of your home. But you cannot do that with the freezer. Since closets offer a great benefit of customization, many people prefer putting their freezer in a closet.

Where should I place my freezer?

Let’s now take a look at the places where you should place your freezer.


If you are using the freezer much too often, then you should consider placing the freezer in the kitchen. You can very efficiently place the freezer in a closet under the cabinet. Small to medium freezers can fit in there quite comfortably.


Another place where you can keep the freezer is the pantry. This is particularly applicable for upright freezers. An average pantry should have enough space to accommodate a freezer in it.

The pantry is where you place most of your food items. And keeping a freezer therein is supposed to come in pretty handy.

You will be able to make proper use of space as well. Especially the corner of a pantry is an ideal place to store your freezer closet.


And if you have a shortage of space in your kitchen, dining space, or pantry, then you can easily put your freezer in the basement. The basement is ideally fit for accommodating chest freezers.

You may store deep-freezed ingredients, especially when you are storing it, in the basement. If you are not using the ingredients, but rather storing them for later use, then you should place the freezer in the basement.

How to put the freezer in the closet?

Let’s find out how you can put the freezer in the closet. Read ahead to learn more:

Measure the freezer:

The first thing that you will have to consider before putting it in a closet is its measurement. You will have to check and double-check whether the freezer will fit the closet.

Take note of the height and depth of the freezer and see if you can keep at least 3 inches of free space on all sides. Ensuring healthy levels of airflow inside the closet is one of the preconditions of putting a freezer in the closet.

Measure the closet:

Now you will have to measure the closet. Make sure that it is at least 3 inches wider, deeper, and higher than the freezer. Whether it is a chest freezer or an upright freezer, ensuring breathing space on all sides is essential.

Holes for wiring:

Put a hole at the back of the closet in order to connect all the wires through it. This hole should be about 2 inches in radius. You will be able to put all the wires through it, into the power board.

Insert the freezer into the closet:

Now you can simply insert the freezer into the closet. Then connect the wires of the freezer through the hole in the back. Turn the power on. And you are all set.

Final Thoughts

You can put the freezer in the closet. This is one of the most convenient ways of storing the freezer in your house without damaging the aesthetics. You can simply put it under the cabinets or inside the pantry. Make sure that the freezer has enough breathing space inside the closet.