Are Crock Pots Dishwasher Safe? (All You Need to Know)

Cleaning crock pots may seem like a difficult task. The electrical part makes it sound more complicated. So a lot may consider putting it in the dishwasher. However, is it safe?

Considering it is an electric appliance, it does not sound right. So let’s learn in detail whether crock pots are dishwasher safe or not.

Are crock pots dishwasher safe?

Crockpots are not dishwasher safe.  As it is an electric appliance, you cannot put the entire crockpot in a dishwasher. Nevertheless, if it is possible to separate the inner bowl and the lid, you can put them in a dishwasher. Also, make sure these parts are heat and moisture resistant.

Most crock pots are designed simple. Here are short explanations of the main parts. 

Crock Pot Liners/Inserts: 

These are plastic bags that you use inside your crock pots during cooking. The liners help avoid cooking mess. 

While cooking, place a liner into the crockpot and put food inside. Once done, you can either throw or clean the liners.

Though they are dishwasher safe, it is not recommended. Some brands offer BPA-free liners. 

Crock Pot Bowls: 

Crockpot bowls are the inner container. The bowl is designed to fit perfectly inside the outer shell. 

The most common material of an inner pot is ceramic, stoneware, or stainless steel. These materials can endure temperature and moisture. Hence, the internal bowls are dishwasher-friendly.

Crock Pot Lids: 

The lid of a crockpot is usually domed-shaped and should fit perfectly onto the pot. Otherwise, you cannot trap steam during cooking. 

Make sure that the materials of lids are unaffected by heat and moisture. This will ensure its safety inside a dishwasher. The materials are mainly quality glass or plastic. 

Brand Dishwasher Safe
Hamilton beachYes
Pioneer womanYes
Crock pot expressYes

Are ceramic/stoneware crock pots dishwashers safe?

Yes, the inner pot of the crockpot, if made from ceramic or stoneware, or stainless steel, is safe to put inside the dishwasher for cleaning.

You can also read the user’s manual to ensure whether your inner pot of the crockpot is safe to use in a dishwasher.

Again, make sure to buy a crockpot where the internal bowl is easily removable. Some older brands do not offer to remove the inside pot.

What happens when you put a crock crockpot in the dishwasher?

Crockpots should not be inserted entirely into a dishwasher. What may happen if we unknowingly do that? Here are some possible scenarios.

Initiating potential risk: 

If an entire crockpot is put into a dishwasher it may create risks. The internal units of the outer shell of a crockpot contain electrical equipment. 

If you soak the outer shell in soapy water, it will get drenched, leading the water inside. This will damage the internal units.  

Later, when you turn on the crockpot for cooking, the whole system may get electrocuted. You can even start a fire. 

Possible damage to inner container and lid:

The inner pot and lid are removable in most modern brands. They are also dishwasher safe as they can withstand temperature and moisture. 

But what if the materials aren’t capable of resisting heat or moisture? Then you may end up with a damaged or distorted internal container and lid. 

And if they do not fit nicely, the whole cooking process will be a disaster. So when buying a crockpot, do not forget to look for details. 

How to clean a crockpot?

Cleaning a crockpot is not as hard as it may sound. You need to understand how to deal with each part and issue. You can use normal dishwasher soap, water, and fabric.

Cleaning by hand:

  • Unplug: Disconnect the crockpot from the electric connection.
  • Cool down: If it is still hot, give some time for the crockpot to cool down.
  • Separate: Separate the inner pot and lid from the electric outer shell.
  • Careful with sensitive parts: Do not dampen the areas such as cable, buttons, or sensor.
  • Cleaning inner pot and lid: When the inner pot and the lid cool down, soak them in soapy water for a while. You do not need to scrub harshly.
  • Cleaning stoneware pot: If your pot is stoneware do not use a harsh sponge. This may create scratches.
  • Hand dry with a towel: Once you are done cleaning you can hand dry the damp part. You can even place it upside down to rinse the water.

Removing sticky foods residue:

  • No harsh sponging. Do not use a harsh sponge or chemicals when cleaning sticky residue. It may damage the surface of the inner pot or lid.
  • Soak for several hours. Let the inner pot sit on soapy water for several hours. You may also keep it overnight.
  • Using boiling water technique. Another way is to fill the inner pot with water and put it in the electric shell.
  • Now, turn the machine on. The warm water may eventually soften the debris inside.
  • Using vinegar or baking soda. This process is for tougher stains. In a 3-quart slow cooker, add ½ cup white vinegar or ½ cup of baking soda.
  • Now pour water and turn on the crockpot. Cook the mixture in low heat for 1 hour at least.

Cleaning using a dishwasher:

  • Unplug. Disconnect the electric outlet from the crockpot.
  • Separate. Remove the inner pot and the lid carefully.
  • Cooling down. Let the lid and inner pot cool down to room temperature. If we put a hot lid or inner bowl inside the dishwasher, the sudden temperature can damage the parts by cracking or breaking.
  • Ensure heat and moisture resistance. You need to ensure that the lid and the inner pot can withstand heat and moisture well.   
  • Place inside the washer. Now put the parts inside the washer to clean. Do not forget to set them properly when placing them inside.

Cleaning the non-dishwasher safe parts:  

  • Unplug. Do not forget to unplug the appliance first.
  • Check temperature. Let the crockpot sit for a while. Now check if it has cooled down to normal temperature.
  • Wipe. Wipe the outer shell with a soft fabric.
  • Cleaning central heater. Sometimes the central heater accidentally gets spills from food. You can clean it with a damp soapy cloth while the appliance is unplugged and cooled down to normal.

What parts of a crockpot are dishwasher safe?

The parts that are dishwasher safe in a crockpot are the lid, internal pots, or bowls.

The lids are mostly heat-resistant plastic or glass. Therefore, they are safe to use in a dishwasher. However, do not forget to let the lid cool down before soaking it in water. The sudden temperature change could affect the lid by breaking it.

The inner pot materials are either stoneware, ceramic or stainless steel. All these are dishwasher-friendly. You can also find the information in the user manual. Again ensure that the inner pot is not hot before putting it in the dishwasher.

Sometimes different accessories such as thermometers, stirrers come with the appliance. You should check the manual to see if they are dishwasher safe or not.

Are there any dishwasher-safe crockpots?

Yes, many brands claim their crockpots to be dishwasher safe. Nevertheless, the outer shell that contains electric cable, sensor, or other electric parts is never dishwasher friendly.

If an electric appliance comes in close contact with moisture, it may create an electrical risk or start a fire.

So even if it claims to be dishwasher safe, remember only the inner bowl and lid and some accessories are dishwasher friendly. Also, check if they are easily removable or not.

Again, the crock pots with non-stick coating are not safe to put in the dishwasher.

How often should you clean the crockpot?

There are no specific rules. You must clean it properly after every use. If you want the crockpot to be intact for a longer period, you should clean it regularly.

Moreover, as long as you are not scrubbing harshly or using any abrasive chemicals, it will be good to use for a long time.

Final Thoughts

Many brands claim their crockpots to be dishwasher safe. It only implies the internal bowl, lid, and some accessories. The outer shell contains electrical units which are not dishwasher friendly. Hence, when the crockpot needs cleaning, remember not to put the entire appliance into the dishwasher.