What Size Generator for 2000 Sq Ft House? (Answered)

Continual and uninterrupted power supply has been such a regular lifestyle for city life, we hardly can imagine a life without power. But somehow a sudden power outage leaves us blank and baffled.

We realize pretty soon the necessity of a generator. When you decide to welcome a generator to your home, you have many factors to consider. Since a generator is a lifetime investment, it can’t be bought impulsively.

The first factor to consider is the space of your home. So, let’s see what size of generator you need for your 2000 sq ft home.

Generator size for 2000 sq ft house

For your 2000 sq ft house, you need at least a 1000KWh generator on a monthly basis to generate electricity. If you want to power the whole house, per day the generator needs 40KWh for electricity.  If you prioritize the essential appliances, your generator will need 15KWh to power up the house. 

When it is said the size of the generator, common people imagine the dimensions of the generator.

But, in the mechanical world, the generator sizes imply the measurement in Kilowatts and watts. Basically, the capacity and power of the generator are regulated by the watt. For a 2000 sq ft house, you need to choose the compatible size of the generator.

To find a compatible generator, you need to consider many relevant factors. The main factors are the size and how many appliances you want to connect your generator with.

If you have a 2000 sq ft house and have the common appliances, minus the AC and air cooler, a 3000KWh generator will be needed to power up the house.

Another factor rises that the generator must be able to maintain active and reactive power constantly.

You must consider both AC- Alternative current and DC- direct current and which one do you prefer. AC is the most common one. You must choose the type considering your house size and the power source.

Since the generator is for an alternative power supply, its involvement with the size of the house should not come into the consideration. But the current flow of the house to provide electricity runs through the walls and ceilings.

Here, the size of the house comes to play an important role. Since the bigger the size, the more room to provide electricity, and the bigger size of the generator is required to support them.

With the minimum necessity in consideration, your generator will need at least 15KWh per day to power through the 2000 sq ft house.

That is to accommodate the necessities like lights, fans, and small appliances. The more appliances you will include in the list, the bigger size of generator you will need.

In a 2000 sq ft house, in addition to the power supply in rooms, freezers, television, cooker, microwave, and heater are needed for a power backup by the generator.

When the generator has been built with inverter technology you can connect more appliances with fewer bucks to worry about.

These are common electric appliances that a regular generator can cover. Considering the average wattage of 39KWh per day, the generation will need at least 39KWh to accommodate the necessities and common appliances.

However, you can’t include an air conditioner or air cooler because they need additional equipment to be attached to connect with the generator line.

When you are willing to connect a dishwasher, air fryer, washing machine, and dryer the required wattage will lift. For a 2000 sq ft home to be connected fully with the generator line, the minimum requirement is 1000KWh, but this can elevate to 3000KWh.

Will a 15000-watt generator run a 2000 sq ft house?

Generally, a 2000 sq feet house needs a minimum 1000kWh and at max, it can be 3500KWh.

So, will 15000-watt generator run a 2000 sq ft has an inevitable answer. You can accommodate the most lavish house with the latest technology and modern facilities with a 15000-watt generator. But is it necessary?

When you live amid the city, the chances of outages and load shedding are thin. Even if it is frequent and a generator is a necessity, you would need such a large size.

But if you live in a secluded area, where main electrical power must access, you may consider 15000-watt generator.

15000-watt generator is a powerful one and can be considered for large factories, and apartments.

But for a regular family in a regular society, the 15000-watt generator will be an extravaganza. Because with size and wattage power, the fuel cost will rise too.

How many watts do I need for a 2000 square foot house?

Nowadays, the average 2000 sq ft house uses at least 1000KW of energy per month. With the latest appliances and modern technologies, houses are flashed with power resources.

To accommodate such varieties, a minimum 1000Kw is required. With a study done by US Energy Information Administration, we can find that, on average, an American homeowner utilizes around 914Kw per month.

Since many manual actions have transformed into electric gadgets, the minimum wattage for a basic household has also increased.

Also, to accommodate the water supply, water drainage, water heater, and other basement issues, additional wattages are used, which is also included in the 1000KWh list. 

When you attach every electric gadget to a generator, the wattage range can rise up to 10000KWh. But for a regular family and a regular 2000 sq ft house, the watt you need will not exceed 3000KWh.

How to determine the size of a generator to run a 2000 sq ft house?

A generator is a life-long investment and for you to find the perfect match with your house is very crucial.

Instead of believing in false advertisements that claim their products are compatible with every size of houses or listening to your talkative neighbor, check and determine yourself which size of a generator you should get for your 2000 sq ft house.

Before deciding, you should consider these crucial factors.


Wattage is the unit to measure the amount of energy dissipated. You should check and make a list of the monthly usage of wattage for several months and figure out the average amount of power your family uses per month.

That will give you a clear idea about the power consumption rate of the house.

Size of the house:

The size of the house doesn’t directly impact the average power consumption of the house, but it gives a clear idea about the average family’s power distribution and utilization.

On average, 2000 sq ft requires a 1000KWh generator. It is calculated considering the average size of a household and the regular electricity usage.

Noise level:

In a 2000 sq ft house, mostly families reside with children. And these houses are situated in a neighborhood usually.

So, in consideration of the home and the vicinity, the generator’s noise level should be minimum. We know that a generator is cacophonic and loud. But models and brands vary from each other.

Fuel cost:

A generator is mostly run by fuel or non-reusable energy. And the world is in a crisis of appraisal of fuel prices.

So, the cost of the fuel should come into consideration before purchasing the generator for your 2000 sq ft house. Nowadays, there are models which accommodate solar energy in addition to fuel energy.


Runtime deters the amount of time your generator can operate on a refueling.

So, you need to opt for a generator that can meet your requirements by a hundred percent on a whole day.

Anything is either going to cost you more or run out the energy without getting the job done.

How much is a generator for a 2000 sq ft house?

For the device, installation, fuel, and maintenance the cost of a generator to accommodate a 2000 sq ft house will be between $5000 to $8000. If you use higher power than 3000KWh, the amount can exceed $10,000 or more.

When you opt for a whole house generator, you have chosen the most powerful generator. This type of generation is wired through the main electrical panel, and it has the feature to turn on automatically in the case of outrage and load shedding.

This type of generator will cost you $6000 to $10000 for the product, delivery, and installation for a 2000 sq ft house.

Usually, the generator itself ranges from $3000 to $6000. And the delivery, installation, and labor costs extra from $3000 to $4000. Since the fuel cost will rise and falters and it depends on the usage of the owner of the house, the calculation will vary.

Final thoughts:

In a regular household, considering the average size of 2000 sq ft, the minimum requirement for the size of the generator is 1000KWh. Normally the size of a generator implies the wattage, not the dimensions. So, you should know the required size of the generator for your 2000 sq ft house.