What Size Gas Line Do You Need for a Generator? (Explained)

The gas line is an important add on for a gas generator. As the constant source of gas will make your generator provide energy supply for a long period of time as well as it will make the generator more cost-effective.

 Also, if you connect a gas line with your generator it will provide you constant power even during power cuts and in the time of storms. The experts have also suggested that connecting the gas line with your generator will increase the durability of your generator.

In this article, we are going to discuss what size gas line you need for a generator. Make sure you stick to the last word of this article in order to have a clear idea about the size of your generator’s gas line.

What size gas line do you need for a generator? 

The size of the gas line usually depends on the power consumed by the generator. However, for most of the generators, a 3 to 4 inches sized gas line is enough and if you want to keep it short then a half-inch hook-up gas line is perfect. Also, sometimes you may need more than 5 inches of a gas line.

The gas line for a generator fully depends on the power consumption by the generator. The different generators have different power consumption which results in the variation in the sizing of the pipes. 

If the power of the generator is more then it will need the constant supply of more fuel source. Therefore, you will need to set up a bigger sized gas line for your generator.

All the gas generators can run on low pressure propane as well as natural gas. They can constantly run on these two gasses because the engines of the generators have low pressure engine regulators. 

Therefore, due to these low pressures, the generator will need larger pipes to handle the load. If you want to use shorter pipes, for example, if  you use a half inch pipe for your generator, then it cannot take the load of a generator of more than 13 hp. 

Therefore, you will need to be very careful with the pipe sizing of your generator. 


Generac generator:

The size of the gas line of a generac generator will depend on the distance of run from the source. Also, the sizing of the pipe also depends on the T’s and the elbows. 

However, the size of the gas line of an average generac generator can be more than ⅘ inches.

Standby generator:

Well, for a standby generator, the ideal sizing of the gas pipe line is 4 to 6 foot. Depending on the power consumption as well as the length of run from the power source, the sizing of the gas pipe line can be more than that.


5kw generator:

For a 5kw generator the size of the gas pipe line can be 3 to 5 feet. However, depending on the T’s and elbows the size can be more than that.

12kw generator:

For a 12kw generator the size of the gas pipe line can be 6 feet. The power consumption of a 12 kw generator is perfect for a 6 inches pipe for holding the load.

20kw generator:

For a 20kw generator, the ideal sizing of a gas pipe line is 7 feet. Depending on the length of the run from the power source the sizing of the gas pipe line can be more or less than that. 

However, a 7 inch pipe is more than perfect for a 20kw generator.

22kw generator:

A 22kw generator will need to have more than a 20 foot pipe line. As the load is much more in a 22kw generator, therefore, you will need to have a larger piper for your 22kw generator.

24kw generator:

For a 24kw generator, you will need more than 20 feet of gas pipe line for your generator. But it fully depends on the T’s and elbows as well as the length of run from the power source.

What size flexible natural gas line for the generator?

The size of the flexible natural gas line fully depends on the power consumption. However, the more the power consumption of a generator will be, the more the size of the pipe will be. 

Because if the generator needs to provide constant power supply then it will also need a constant fuel source. Therefore, the gas pipe line sizing is very important when it comes to fuel injection to the generator.

Most generator can have more than ⅘ inches of pipes for fuel injection. However, the ⅘ inches pipe line will take the load for only 12kw generators. For larger generators, the sizing of the gas pipe line depends on the length of the run from the power source as well as the T’s and elbows.

 Also, the generators having more than 20kw power consumption will need more than 20′ flexible gas pipe lines.

What size lp gas line do I need for a Generac generator? 

In order to know the size of the LP gas line for your generac generator, you might need to take some points into account. The sizing of the lp gas line for a generac generator depends on the length of the run from the power source

Also, the sizing is done based on the elbows and T’s are there. 

However, the size of lp gas line for a generac generator can be in between ⅚ inches. Also, the length of the gas pipe line can be in between 20′. You have to take one thing in your mind that the sizing of the pipes needs to be done carefully as it takes the load. 

In addition, if you are not sure about the sizing of the pipes then it will be best if you call out the experts for this task.

3 factors that affect gas line size for the generator

Well, there are some factors that affect the gas line size for the generator. These factors are very important and you have to take them very seriously. A simple mistake in these factors can cause fatal accidents. The factors are described below:

Power consumption:

The power consumption of the generators highly triggers the size of the gas pipe line. As the higher the power consumption from the generator will be, the more the fuel consumption it will need. 

Therefore, the sizing of the pipes needs to be bigger if they want to meet the fuel demand of the generator. For instance, a half inch gas pipe line cannot take the load of more than 12kw generator.

Length of the run from power source:

The length of the run from  power source is equally important for the sizing of the gas line. As the gas pipe line from its source needs to be fully connected to the power source of the generator.

T’s and elbows:

The T’s and elbows measurement also triggers the sizing of the gas pipe line. Therefore be very careful with these factors.

How to measure gas line size for the generator?

There are many ways you can follow if you want to measure the size of the gas line for a generator. However, we have described below the simple ways you can follow in order to measure the gas line size for the generator:

Measure the distance:

You have to measure distance from the fuel source to the generator. This distance mainly sets up the length of the gas pipe line. You have to be very careful while measuring the length of the gas pipe line.

NPT fittings:

The NPT fittings also play an important role. As the size of the NPT fittings fully determines the size of the pipeline, therefore, you will need to measure the size of the NPT fittings first.

Power of the generator:

You can also assume the size of the gas pipe line by calculating the power consumption of the generator. Usually, there are charts available with the manual instructions, on the sizing of the gas pipe line for your desired generator.

Final Thoughts:

The sizing of the gas pipe line for the generator depends on various factors. The power consumption of the generator, the distance from the fuel source to the power of generator, T’s and elbows, etc. The usual sizing is ⅘ inches but the size can be more than that depending on the above factors.