What Size Breaker Do I Need for a Pool Pump? (Explained)

Pool pump is one of the most important equipment needed for the maintenance of a swimming pool. It is used to control the quality of the water in a swimming pool. Today, we are going to discuss and find out about the size of the breaker one needs for a pool pump.

What size breaker do I need for a pool pump?

A twenty ampere circuit breaker is usually required for a pool pump. However, the size of the circuit breaker can change because of the equipment of your pool. If your pool equipment draws and uses a high amount of power, you will need a larger size breaker.

Let’s discuss in detail about the size of breaker needed for different types of pool pump.

Inground pool pump:

Inground pools can add extra beauty to your house. But they need the right kind of pool equipment to function properly. Inground pool pump is one of those equipment. 

The inground pool pumps must have an electric breaker. The size of the breaker for an inground pool pump is often not more than twenty amperes. But the size of the breaker can increase or decrease due to the amount of pool pump equipment.

220v pool pump:

220v pool pumps also require an electric breaker for functional purposes. You can not use any size of electric breaker you wish for your 220v pool pump. A twenty ampere electric breaker will be more than sufficient to control the activities of your 220v pool pump. 

But the size of the electric breaker can change because of the size of pool equipment. 

230v pool pump:

There are no significant differences between the function of a 220v pool pump and a 230v pool pump. That is why a 230v pool pump also requires an electric breaker of twenty amperes. 

However, you might need to use a smaller or a larger electric breaker because of the pool equipment.

1.5 hp pool pump:

An 1.5 hp pool will need a twenty ampere electric breaker if it is to function accurately. But you might need a smaller circuit breaker if the list of pool equipment is small. However, a bigger circuit breaker will be needed for larger scale pool equipment.

2 hp pool pump:

2 hp pool pumps must have a circuit breaker for functional purposes. But deciding the size of the circuit breaker for a 2 hp pool pump can be tricky. However, a twenty ampere circuit breaker usually does the job. 

But the size of the breaker can change significantly according to the pool equipment. 

What size breaker do I need for a pool heat pump?

The size of the breaker is needed to control the flow of electricity produced by the pool heat pump. Pool heat pumps create a lot of electricity through its function. So a sufficient circuit breaker has to be installed for a pool heat pump. 

Usually, a pool heat pump needs a thirty ampere electric breaker minimum. But it can need a large fifty ampere circuit breaker too. 

The manufacturer guide has to be followed while installing a circuit breaker for the pool heat pump. Different kinds and sizes of pool heat pump will require circuit breakers of different sizes. 

Does a pool pump need its own breaker?

A pool pump needs to have its own circuit breaker. The purpose of a circuit breaker is to protect your electrical panel from overcurrent, overload, and short circuit. If the pool pump does not have a circuit breaker, then it will pose a serious threat for your electrical panel. 

The best way to handle a pool pump is by installing a separate electric breaker on the electrical panel for it. The high amount of electricity consumed and produced by a pool pump has to be kept in control by using a circuit breaker. 

You should not use a pool pump for your swimming pool without installing a dedicated circuit breaker for the pool pump. It can cause serious problems in the future and can decrease the quality of your pool pump. 

What kind of breaker should I use for a pool pump?

Deciding the right kind of electrical breaker for your pool pump can dictate its performance. Different types of pool pump require different kinds and sizes of electric breaker. 

But the size and the kind of electric breaker you need for a pool pump will also be decided by the kinds and number of pool equipment you use.

If you have pool equipment that produces and needs a lot of power, then you will have to install a large enough circuit breaker for them. On the other hand, if your pool equipment does not consume a lot of power, then a smaller size electric breaker will do the job. 

So you will have to use the kind of circuit breaker that complements the function of your pool equipment the best.

What are the pool heat pump electrical requirements?

Many swimming pool owners struggle to set up their pool heat pump because of lack of knowledge and experience about the electrical requirements of the pool heat pump. Let’s discuss the electrical requirements.

The distance from the electrical panel:

The distance between your pool heat pump and the main electrical panel will often dictate the electrical requirements of your pool heat pump. The longer the distance between the pool pump and the electrical panel, the larger the electrical installation cost. 

You will need to use much more wire and electrical parts if you place the pool heat pump far away from the main electrical panel. So the first electrical requirement of the pool heat pump will be to install it closer to the main electrical panel. 

The size of circuit breaker:

The size of the circuit breaker for your pool heat pump has to be large enough to support the power drawn and used by the pool heat pump. The pool heat usually requires a large size circuit breaker in the range of thirty to fifty amperes. 

You should seek the help of a qualified electrician when it comes to installing the circuit breaker for the pool heat pump.

The size of the wire:

The next important electrical requirement for a pool heat pump is the size of the wire for its circuit breaker. If your pool heat pump needs a thirty ampere circuit breaker, then you will have to use a ten gauge wire. 

But an eight gauge wire will be required when the pool heat pump needs a forty ampere circuit breaker for functional purposes.

However, a pool heat pump will not require a circuit breaker larger than a fifty ampere one. The fifty ampere circuit breaker has to be wired with six gauge wires. 

Using inaccurate size wires for the circuit breaker will make it dysfunctional and cause problems for the pool heat pump. 

How many amps does a pool pump require?

How many amps a pool pump requires often depends on the amount of amps used and drawn by the concerned pool pump. For example, an 1 hp pool pump is known for drawing close to seven amperes at approximately one hundred and twenty volts. 

On the other hand, the 1.25 hp pool pump can draw as much as 8.6 ampere at one hundred and twenty volts. However, a 2 hp pool pump can pretty much draw 10.5 amperes at one hundred and twenty voltage. 

A pool pump requires twenty five percent more amps than it uses and draws. That is why a twenty ampere circuit breaker is often used for 1 hp, 1.25 hp and 1.5 hp pool pumps.

You should always seek the opinion of a professional before using a circuit breaker for your pool pump. Because too many large or too small circuit breakers can hamper the performance of your pool pump.

What is the correct breaker wiring size for pool pumps?

The purpose of using a circuit breaker for pool pumps can fail if you use wrong size wires. It is suggested by experts that you should use a twelve gauge wire for your pool pump’s circuit breaker. However, the size of the wire can change along with the size of the circuit breaker. 

For example, a twenty ampere circuit breaker will require a twelve gauge wire. But a thirty ampere circuit breaker will need only a ten gauge wire. The wiring of your circuit breaker should be done by an electrician in order to avoid any functional failure. 

However, you can also do it yourself if you manage to follow the correct steps. 

Final Thoughts

A pool pump generally needs to have a circuit breaker of twenty amperes. A twenty ampere circuit breaker is more than capable of dealing with the power requirement of a pool pump. The pool pump can require a larger circuit breaker in case of large scale pool equipment.