Should You Refrigerate Mandarin Oranges? (Explained)
There are a lot of speculations around storing and freezing mandarin oranges. And as the summer days are approaching, we would love to indulge in the delicacies of sweet and juicy mandarin. This is why we have designed this article to help you figure out how you should store mandarin oranges.
We will discuss whether you should refrigerate mandarin oranges. And if so, what would be the ideal way to do so. So read ahead to learn more about it.
Should you refrigerate mandarin oranges?
You should store mandarin oranges in a cold and dark place, away from direct sunlight. It is not necessary to store them in a refrigerator. But if you cannot find a cold, dark place around, store mandarin oranges in a refrigerator. Make sure to put them in a bag, it will last a few weeks.
It is not necessary to store mandarin oranges in a refrigerator. But it would be ideal to do so. Mandarin oranges need to be stored in a cool and dark place. They need to be away from direct sunlight.
If you want to keep your mandarin oranges fresh for a while, it would be advisable that you store them in the refrigerator. But you will have to make sure that the mandarin oranges are stored in a bag. This will keep them fresh for about two to four weeks.
On the other hand, if you do not store them in the refrigerator, they will not stay fresh for that long. At room temperature, mandarin oranges can last for only about a week.
When you keep them in a cool and dry place under a single layer, mandarin oranges will stay fresh for only about a week or two. And if you do not eat them all within a couple of weeks, the organs will be stale. So if you buy them in a bulk and have not able to finish them all within a couple of weeks, make sure to store them in a refrigerator.
But you will have to make sure to cover the mandarin oranges with a sealed bag. They should not be exposed to much moisture. So in order to keep them safe and healthy in your refrigerator, make sure that you store mandarin oranges well in a tightly sealed bag. This will keep the organs safe and healthy to eat for about a few weeks.
Can you refrigerate mandarin oranges?
Yes, you can definitely refrigerate mandarin oranges. However, it is not necessary if you are storing the mandarin oranges for only a short while. They will stay well outside the refrigerator for a few weeks.
But you will have to make sure to store them in a cold and dark place. Keep them away from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the mandarin oranges will be affected and may get stale before too long.
However, if you intend to store the mandarin oranges for a while, then it is advisable that you store them in the refrigerator. The refrigerator can ideally keep the mandarin oranges safe for a few weeks.
Are mandarins oranges better in the fridge?
Mandarin oranges are better in the fridge. This is because they last a lot longer in the fridge. Mandarin oranges need a cool and dark place to sustain their natural sweetness and juiciness for a while.
You will have to make sure that the mandarin oranges are stored in a tightly sealed bag. Otherwise, the oranges will dry out and lose all their moisture.
So in order to keep the oranges fresh and healthy for a while, it would be better to store them in the refrigerator. It will keep them fresh for two to four weeks. And if you want to store the mandarin oranges for even longer, then you will have to opt for a freezer.
How to store mandarin oranges in the refrigerator?
Let’s now take a look at how you can store mandarin oranges in the refrigerator. Read ahead to learn the steps properly.
Clean the mandarin oranges:
You will first have to clean the mandarin oranges well. Wash them even if you have gotten them in a bag from a supermarket. This will make sure that you or your family can eat the mandarin oranges straight out of the refrigerator the next time.
Store them in a bag:
Now, this is a very important step of the process. You will need to store the mandarin in a bag. This will protect the mandarin from excessive exposure to moisture. The bag will keep the mandarin good and fresh for a longer time.
It would be great if you can store the mandarin in a sealed bag. But if that is not available, you can opt for a paper bag as well. Store the organs in the bag loosely. Do not pack them so tightly that there is no space to breathe.
If you are storing them in a paper bag, close it tightly. This will prevent excessive air from hitting the fruits. Otherwise, there is a risk of drying out the skin of the mandarin oranges too quickly.
You can also use an airtight container for this task. It would serve the purpose just right.
Put them in the refrigerator:
Now it is time to put the mandarin oranges in the refrigerator. Then continue to check the freshness of the mandarin oranges and look out for any signs of spoilage. So check on the mandarin oranges every once in a while.
How long are mandarin oranges good for in the fridge?
Mandarin oranges are good in the fridge for about two to four weeks. You can prolong the time of their storage by storing them in an airtight environment, ideally a sealed bag or an airtight container.
Mandarin oranges can stay well outside at room temperature for about a week or two. But you will have to keep them in a cool and dark place to keep them fresh outside the refrigerator.
And if you are storing them in the refrigerator or the freezer, you will have to ensure that mandarin oranges are sealed closely in a bag or a container. This will ensure that they are not being hit by air too much.
Otherwise, the skin of the mandarin oranges will dry out pretty fast. If you do not seal the mandarin oranges, they will stay well in the refrigerator for only about a couple of weeks.
Where should mandarin oranges be stored?
There are several ways you can store mandarin oranges. Read ahead to learn where should mandarin oranges be stored:
You can store mandarin oranges in the refrigerator if you intend to store them for about two to four weeks. But you will have to seal the oranges in an airtight bag or a container in order to ensure their wellbeing.
If you want to store the mandarin oranges for a little longer, you should opt for storing them in the freezer. You can store them in the freezer by peeling and cutting the mandarin oranges into pieces. Then put them in an airtight container or a bag.
In a cool and dark place:
If can also keep the mandarin outside, at the room temperature. In this case, you will have to make sure that the mandarin oranges are kept in a cool and dark place. They will remain fresh for about a couple of weeks at room temperature.
Storing them in a cool and dark place will ensure the well-being of mandarin oranges outside the fridge. In this case, you can keep the mandarin oranges well for about a week or two.
What is the best way to store mandarins?
The best way to store mandarin is in a cool and dark place. Ideally, it is a refrigerator where you can store the mandarin oranges for a few weeks.
Storing mandarin oranges in a fridge is the best way to store them because it keeps them fresh and healthy for about two weeks to one month. If you can store them right, they will retain their natural sweetness and juiciness as well.
However, you will have to take some precautionary steps in order to ensure the well-being of mandarin oranges in the refrigerator. Put the oranges in a sealed airtight bag or a container. If you cannot find any such bag or container, you can opt for a paper bag as well. In that case, close the top of the bag tightly.
Final Thoughts
You should refrigerate mandarin oranges if you intend to store them for two weeks to a month. The refrigerator will keep them well for a while. You will have to put the mandarin oranges in a properly sealed environment, ideally an airtight bag or an airtight container.