Samsung Dishwasher Blinking Smart Auto – How to Fix?

Dishwashers are essential around the modern house. There are many types of dishwashers to choose from. Make sure you know the most common features of the machine you will be choosing to avoid any inconvenience.

The Samsung dishwasher has a lot of additional features. You might want to learn about the features so you can run and operate the machine without any trouble. The features are not much difficult to grasp. You just need to do a little bit of research.

Samsung dishwasher blinking smart auto

If you notice your Samsung dishwasher blinking smart auto, then you should check the dishwashers’ connection with the sink. Usually the blinking smart auto means that there is too much water in the dishwasher. Check the drain hose and get rid of the extra water to stop the blinking.

Samsung dishwashers are always the popular pick when it comes to household appliances. The dishwasher has earned its’ name as the household favorite because of the many functions it has to offer, which are not only limited to dishwashing.

The Samsung dishwashers have additional features that make things easier for the user.

One feature of the Samsung dishwasher is the blinking lights of it. There are lights that go off to indicate if there is anything wrong with the water supply of the dishwasher or the overall temperature. There are other lights that can start blinking as well. It is a default setting.

Issue with drain hose:

The smart auto light keeps blinking if there is an issue with the drain hose. If there is too much water in the dishwasher, then you will notice the smart auto light going off.

The sink and dishwashers’ connection should be checked in case like this. If the water pressure is too much then it is likely that the smart auto light of the dishwasher will go off and start blinking.

Drainage connection issue:

If there is a problem with the drainage connection of the dishwasher, then it is possible for the light to go off. The sink connection of the dishwasher and the drainage link should not be under too much pressure.

This will disrupt the normal functioning of the dishwasher. The water pressure can cause damage to the dishwasher, which is why the lights is like a warning sign.

Water temperature issue:

If the temperature of the water is too much, then you will notice the smart auto light blinking.

The temperature of the water matters a lot when it comes to the dishwasher. If the temperature is more than the required, then it will be an issue for the machine. Which will make the lights of the machine go off and it will start to blink contentiously.

Valve issue:

A problem with the water valve can set off the smart auto light. It can mean that there is not enough water in the valve for the machine to function. Most times, the water might overflow and that could be the reason.

But it is also possible that there is not the right amount of water in the sink and you might need to add more.

Samsung dishwashers are great when it comes to regular use household appliances. The machine has default settings that can help the user detect any issues beforehand. Which is great for the conveniences of the user.

Like the smart auto light starts blinking whenever there is an issue with the drainage line and the water valve. Whether there is too much water or too little water, the Samsung dishwasher will notify you at the right time and in the right way.

Is Samsung dishwasher blinking smart auto common?

Dishwashers have become a necessity appliance around the household now a days. Almost every house a dishwasher now. And the popular favorite pick is the Samsung dishwasher.

Not only for the service, but also for the extra and additional features that make the entire experience easier for the user of the machine.

In addition to the basic features, the Samsung dishwasher has some additional features that make it interesting and convenient for the user.

One of the common features is the smart auto lights blinking in case of any issues with the water valve. And this is installed for all the variations of the Samsung dishwashers.

Samsung dishwasher dw80f600uts:

This version of the dishwasher is one of the most popular and best selling ones. And the additional feature of the blinking smart auto light makes the machine more attractive.

Samsung dishwasher dw80f600:

When the water pressure becomes too much than regular, the dw80f600 starts the smart auto blinking. This is an indicator to check the sink.

Samsung dishwasher dmt400rhw:

This version of the Samsung dishwasher has this feature installed. This smart auto blinking light gives the user a heads up about the water condition and the temperature of the water in the machine.

How to fix blinking smart auto on Samsung dishwasher?

Samsung dishwasher has very interesting features. And these features are very much convenient for the users as well.

Most times, it saves a lot of trouble for the user. For example, when the smart auto light starts to blink you will know there is an issue with the water supply or the water valve. So you can fix it immediately.

There are many lights and indicators on the Samsung dishwasher. Different lights blink for different purposes. If you know what is for what you can easily stop the light from blinking repeatedly.

The continuously blinking light can be a distraction or an indication for any damage. So you should check the matter with much care and concern.

If you notice the smart auto light blinking in your Samsung dishwasher then you should do the following steps. This way you can go to the bottom of the problem and not let the light keep blinking for a long time.

The process may seem difficult but that is not the case. You should follow the steps given below carefully and you can stop the light from blinking-

Usually the blinking smart auto light indicates a problem with the water level. As in, there is a problem with the water valve. There is not enough water in the drain sink. To fix the light from blinking you should try to add more water to the sink.

Check drain connection:

Check the sinks’ drain connection carefully. See if there is enough water in the sink drain. If you notice too much water in drain sink, you will need to take a different course of action. However, that is unlikely.

Check drain hose:

Check the drain hose. If there is any obstructions with the drain hose. the water will not reach the drain from the sink. Which will make the water overflow.

Run water:

Start to run the water in the sink of the dishwasher connection. This way the water will start to run through the drain hose. And you will get rid of the access water.

Clean drain filter:

Clean the drain and the filter while you are at it.

How to reset Samsung dishwasher?

Sometimes you might need to reset you Samsung dishwasher. If you think there is some trouble while running the dishwasher, a safe and easy way to get rid of the problem is to reset the dishwasher.

And even without that, you might want to reset your dishwasher from time to time as it is used most of the times.

One might think that resetting a household appliance will be difficult but in reality it is not that hard. And to make things easier for you, a step by step guide to reset the Samsung dishwasher is given below. Just follow the instructions and you will see how easy it is-


The first step is to unplug the machine. You can do this by literally unplugging the machine circuit. Or you can turn the power off of the circuit breaker.

Wait a few minutes:

Now you should wait for a few minutes. This is to allow some time for the electrical charge to clear out. You can wait a minute only or you can wait up to  minutes. There is no need to wait too long.

Turn on back:

Turn the machine back on again. You will see that the machine has started like new. This way you will see any problems being fixed as well.

Samsung dishwashers do not need much maintenance. However, you might have to reset it from time to time. But not too frequently thought. If you notice any obstruction while the machine runs, try resetting it again.

Final thoughts

The smart auto light of the Samsung dishwasher goes off when there is a trouble in the water level of the drain sink of the machine. If there is too much water in the sink then the machine will go off and start blinking the smart auto light. When this happens check the drain hose and clean it.