Does Brita Filter Hard Water? (All You Need to Know)
Filtering hard water has become a common trend over the country and the world. We now live in an industry-based and technology-based world where we don’t have that much soft water to use.
Therefore, we need to convert the hard water into soft one and use it in our daily life.
When you search for the hard water filter, you will have hundreds of filters named in front of you. Brita will be there for sure. It’s a renowned filter brand that people rely on most. But is it worth filtering hard water? Let’s get the answer.
Does Brita filter hard water?
Brita doesn’t filter the hard water. It is designed for soft water. Only the Brita pro can filter hard water to solve the magnesium and calcium salt and soften the water by an ion exchange filter. Most of the general Brita filter, faucet, and other conventional filter fails to remove the salt.
Hard water contains magnesium, calcium, and other heavy metals. If you want to use it for different purposes, you need to remove them all to make it soft. Here, the Brita filter will fail to remove the salt, although it removes the heavy metal from the water.
Lead, cadmium, copper are the heavy metals found in hard water. They can be removed through most of the typical Brita. But that’s not all. You need to remove all the salt from the mixture to make it worthwhile.
Since magnesium and calcium salt dissolve in hard water, it is difficult for the typical Brita to filter them appropriately. It needs the ion exchange filter. If you try to filter the hard water with Brita, the filter needs to be changed or replaced often.
Only the Brita Pro is designed for hard water filtration. It comes with an ion-exchange filter that removes all the salt and turns the water soft and usable. It has a robust filtration process that will depart all the heavy metals and salt.
Does Brita filter work on hard water? Does Brita filter remove hard water?
Brita filter doesn’t work on hard water. It only works to depart the heavy metals, including lead, cadmium, and copper. But it fails to remove the dissolved magnesium and calcium ions from the hard water.
When you pour the hard water into the Brita, it will remove only the metal elements from the water; that’s why it will not be a recommended filtering method to filter the hard water.
On the other hand, the Brita filter doesn’t remove hard water, calcium, and magnesium ions though it can remove heavy metals. It will be a useless process if you try to remove the hard water using a Brita filter,
But the game will change, and you will also get pure water when using the Brita pro filter. It has all the instruments, including the ion exchange filter, to remove the calcium and magnesium ions from the hard water.
Is Brita good for hard water?
Brita is not suitable for hard water. Only the Brita pro is a good option for resolving or purifying the hard water since hard water has all the ingredients, including both heavy metal and ion ingredients, that ultimately harden the water.
Brita is suitable for soft water. It can purify the water and make it user-friendly. Especially if you want to filter metals and hard ingredients from the water, Brita will give you the best result that no brand can ensure.
You need to use another filtering process or the ion exchange to remove the calcium and other ions and soften the water. In that case, you can use the Brita pro and remove the hard water ingredients to soften it.
Moreover, you might need to change the filter more often if you filter the hard water by the Brita. It is not a perfect one for this job. You should use the pro version of the Brita.
Does Brita filter soften water? Does Brita filter reduce water hardness?
Brita filter doesn’t soften water; instead, Brita filters the hard elements from the water, including copper and other metals. But it fails to remove the salt and calcium ions from the hard water.
The hard water only becomes softened when you can remove the salt from the water. Since Brita can’t filter the salt and other dissolved ingredients, it fails to soften the hard water.
The same happens for the water hardness; the Brita filter doesn’t reduce water hardness because of the salty ingredients.
The typical Brita filter doesn’t have any ion-exchange filtering system to remove the calcium and magnesium ions from the hard water.
Therefore, the Brita can’t filter the water hardness without the help of an ion-exchange filtering system if you want to use your existing Brita to soften the hard water.
3 reasons why you cannot use Brita filter with hard water
You shouldn’t use the Brita filter with hard water. It will not give you a better result and can’t even soften the hard water. If you try hard water, your filter will lose efficiency, and you need to replace it often.
However, there are some particular reasons why you cannot use Brita filters with hard water. We find the top four reasons in this regard.
Calcium & Magnesium:
Hard water contains calcium and magnesium ions in the hard water. The Brita can’t filter these ingredients, which is the first reason why you cannot use the Brita filter with hard water.
Although you can filter the hard metals and remove them from water, you should not use the Brita to remove the salt ingredients and soften the water.
Filter Change:
If you use the Brita to filter the hard water, you need to change the filter too often, and it will become an additional cost for you. Instead of investing in the filter, you should go for the Brita Pro.
It will be an excellent way to filter the hard water and remove all the hard ingredients and salt.
Takes Time:
Sometimes, the Brita will take around fifteen minutes to remove only the hard metals. If you want to purify it and get rid of the calcium and magnesium ions, it will take more time and become tiresome.
What does Brita filter do to the water?
Brita filters the hard metal and particles from the water. But it does other kinds of stuff as well.
Removing Hard Metal:
Brita has an excellent filtering system that eliminates all the hard ingredients from the hard water and filters properly. It will become challenging to remove metal with a typical filter other than the Brita.
First, it separates the hard metal from the water and softens the water. This is the first thing the Brita will do to the hard water.
Filter the water:
The Brita pro can filter the water and remove the hard water’s calcium and other dissolved ingredients. Moreover, the filter is also powerful; that’s why it can easily soften the water.
If you have the typical Brita filter, you cannot expect to soften water. You can only separate the hard metal from there.
Soften the water:
After filtering the dissolving ions from the hard water, the Brita will soften the hard water and turn it into the regular water that you can use pretty much everywhere. The water can be consumed as well.
However, softening the water will depend on several factors. You can only expect to soften water if you have the pro version of the Brita. Otherwise, you can only filter the hard metal.
Does Brita filter instantly? Does Brita filter Decalcify?
Brita doesn’t filter instantly. It takes around ten to fifteen minutes to do the job; since it’s a slow and steady process, you cannot expect to have the purified water or filtered water immediately.
Mainly, it takes time to depart and separate the hard metal from the hard water. And the Brita takes a bit more time to purify the water after fifteen minutes.
Brita needs to be decalcified after using the hard water for a week or a couple of days. You can do it manually and use all the natural ingredients. Mainly, the metal particles will stick to the filter and make a layer on it.
As a result, you need to clean the filter once in a while. Otherwise, it will fail to filter the hard water and remove the metal ingredients from the water and try to soften it.
Final Thoughts
Although Brita doesn’t filter the hard water, you can try with the Brita pro. It’s an advanced filtering system. It removes all the dissolved and metal ingredients from the hard water and softens the water within a while. If you plan to soften the water, go for the Brita pro.