Do a Washer and Dryer Need a Dedicated Circuit? (Explained)

Washer and dryer are the essential home appliances. We cannot think of our life without having them. These are the true successes of science. But sometimes, they create some minor and major issues for the users.

Users want to know if a washer and dryer need a dedicated circuit. We go through in-depth research and find the real hand solution and answer for you. If you look for the same, keep on reading.

Follow our tips and solve your issues accordingly. You need to know about the dedicated circuit along with your home appliances. 

Do a washer and dryer need a dedicated circuit?

A washer and a dryer need a dedicated circuit. They need high volts to operate. A washing machine and home dryer generally require 120 to 240 voltages to perform each. In that case, a dedicated circuit can provide that power effectively. A shared circuit may not give the necessary volt every time.

The washer and dryer are two big home appliances. They require more power to operate. In that case, a shared circuit won’t be able to provide the necessary voltages.

People commonly use a shared circuit to plug two or more in at a time. That’s why it shared the voltages. 

It will create issues for your appliance, like a washer, as it requires high voltage to run. That’s why you need a dedicated circuit. 

Now, we will show you why you need a dedicated circuit for your washer and dryer. It will help you to get the point easily. Keep reading and make a worthy decision after that.

Washing machine:

A washing machine is a significant home appliance. It requires more power to operate. Generally, if you have a small one, it will require 120 volts. 

On the other hand, the bigger one will require up to 240 voltages in some cases.

However, you can use a shared circuit only for small appliances that require at best 120 volts. But it would be best if you used a dedicated circuit that needs more than 120 volts of power.


The laundry room must have a dedicated circuit that should be at least 20 amps. A dryer typically needs a 240 volts’ circuit to work smoothly. And a shared circuit will fail to back up your dryer with its required power. 

But it might create short-circuit issues. That’s why you must need a dedicated circuit to ensure a safe drying and working environment.

Gas dryer:

A gas dryer is a cost-effective home appliance. It saves both energy and power as well. 

Therefore, it doesn’t require any dedicated circuit. You can use the same circuit for both your washer and gas dryer.

Electric dryer:

Electric dryer needs dedicated circuit power. It requires 240 volts to operate. 

Therefore, you should use a separate circuit. Don’t go for a shared circuit and use any other appliance along with an electric dryer.

Can the washer and dryer be on the same circuit?

The washer and dryer cannot be on the same circuit. They both require high voltages to work correctly. If you use them on the same circuit, they will not get the right power. As a result, it will be a mess. 

In a particular case, the washer and dryer could be used in the same circuit. For that, you need a gas dryer. We are going to explain them below. Go ahead.

Washer and electric dryer:

Washer and electric dryer cannot be used in the same circuit. They both required high volts of power. 

And a single circuit or shared circuit can’t provide that much power. You need a dedicated circuit for each of them.

A washer requires at least 240 volts. Also, the dryer needs the same amount or more power. And a shared circuit can’t provide enough power for both of them. 

Therefore, you cannot use the same circuit; instead, you need a dedicated circuit for them.

Washer and gas dryer:

You can use the same circuit for the washer and gas dryer. The gas dryer requires a low voltage. It doesn’t go for the high voltage.  

On the other hand, the washer requires high voltage. But a single circuit can handle a high voltage and a low voltage power machine at a time. Therefore, you can easily use a single circuit for your washer and gas dryer.

What amp circuit breaker needed for the washer and dryer?

According to the National Electrical Code, your washer and dryer need a 20-amp circuit breaker. 

Anything less might create power supply issues. If you use less power for a long time, your appliance will lose its working capability day by day. 

In general, there are two different amps or amperes. One is 15 amps, and the other one is 20 amps. 

The first one is for usual home appliances. But the 2nd one, which is 20 amps, is for the laundry room where you put your washer and dryer. 

Can a washing machine and dryer share an outlet?

You cannot share an outlet for both your washing machine and a dryer. Instead, you can share an outlet for the washer and gas dryer only. The same socket is not an ideal option for both the washer and electric dryer.

But you can safely use the same socket for the washer and gas dryer. In any other case, you should not use it. 

Especially if you have a tumble dryer, you should use a separate socket for it. The tumble dryer needs a dedicated circuit.

Do a washing machine and a dryer need a GFCI?

A ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is an electric device that protects the washing machine and dryer from an uneven power supply. 

It can also protect your electric appliances from overheating and fire. And your washing machine and dryer must need a GFCI. 

You need to use those appliances for a long time. And a GFCI is the best way to protect your valuable electric device from unwanted damages like firing and overheating or even short-circuit. 

Thus it enhances the lifespan of your dryer and washer too.

Washing machine:

A washing machine requires 120 to 240 volts of power. If there is any shortage or mismatch of electricity, your washer will lose its productivity. In some cases, it will overheat if you use it for a long time. 

To avoid such damages, you should use a GFCI. It can protect the washer from electrical damage and mismatch. In a nutshell, your washer needs a GFCI.


The gas dryer doesn’t need any GFCI or dedicated circuit either. But if you have an electric dryer, you should use a GFCI for it. 120 to 240 volts is a general power requirement for an electric dryer.

A GFCI can protect your dryer from all the damages. For every high volt’s machine, you must use GFCI. It helps in several ways and ensures safe use as well.

Can a washing machine or a dryer be on a 15 amp circuit?

A washing machine or a dryer cannot be on a 15-amp circuit. It is insufficient. You must need a 20-amp circuit for your dryer or washer. It’s a common requirement for every laundry room.

A washing machine or electric dryer is a high voltage machine. They both require 240 volts of power to work precisely. Here a 20-amp circuit can only provide such power. 

Therefore, you should not use a 15amp circuit for any of these machines. It might create issues for you. At least 15 amps is not a safe circuit for such a high voltage machine. 

Does a laundry room need a dedicated circuit? How many circuits are needed in a laundry room?

A laundry room needs a dedicated circuit. A 20 amp dedicated circuit is needed to operate high voltage machines like washers and dryers. You cannot use a shared or single circuit for them. They are not safe as well.

In a laundry room, two circuits are needed. One could be the 20 amp, and the other one could be the 30 amp. 20 amps for the low voltage machine and the 2nd one for the high voltage power supply. You can use more if required.

But a single circuit also does the job if you have a gas dryer. Let’s say you have a washer and a gas dryer. In that case, you can use a single circuit in your laundry room. 

Final Thoughts

The washer and dryer require high volts of power. And a single circuit or a shared circuit cannot provide that power. Only a dedicated circuit is able to back up your dryer and washer. Therefore, your washer and dryer need a dedicated circuit. It can help the machine get the right amount of volts.