Can You Use PVC for Electrical Conduit? (Answered)

Polyvinyl chloride is the full form of PVC. The name screams the materials that are in conjunction with the product to be used. This product is so useful that it is the world’s third-most widely produced synthetic polymer of plastic. 

The plumbing business is a radical one where one might think it yields nothing of significance. However, one can be surprised as to how big that industry is. PVC is a major part of this business. They can come in two different forms, rigid and flexible as well. 

PVC is a material that can be versatile on so many levels that if we were to list all the things that it is used for, then we will be here all day. A few examples are that the PVC has applications on drainage pipes, water service pipes, medical devices, window frames, and many more. 

Today we will be learning about the different types of PVC out there and if this material is an ideal candidate for electrical conduit. So, if you are looking to find any kind of insight into this particular topic then keep reading below to know more. 

Can you use PVC for electrical conduit? 

You can use PVC for electrical conduit. PVC is a material that is made from a mixture between vinyl and plastic. In general, they are used for plumbing, but it is not uncommon for electricians to use them as electrical conduits. However, not all PVC can be used for electrical conduits. 

In general, PVC products are used for plumbing work and other things. It’s not a common sight for someone to use a PVC pipe and use it as a conduit for electrical wires.  

Therefore, if we choose to use PVC as the material for electrical conduit, we can do that without worrying about it not being the ideal way.  

Regardless of the traditional material used for conduits, PVC falls nowhere behind to be used alongside them. Below we listed a few types of PVC so you will get a better overview of the material and its uses before deciding to go out there and get some. 

Plumbing PVC: 

Plumbing PVC is the type of pipe that needs to have the ability to withstand water pressure. PVC conduit will not have those features and thus they cannot be interchanged. 

Water PVC: 

These are the same as plumbing PVC because plumbing PVC deals with water flowing through them and so does the water PVC. Thus, we can again not use this interchangeably with PVC conduit.

Because PVC will lack the ability to sustain water pressure.

White PVC: 

Plumbing PVC, Water PVC, and White PVC can be classified as the same type of PVC. As they are the ones that are specially designed to use to work with water flowing through them and they come in White.  

On the other hand, we have the Gray PVC which are usually the ones that are used as electrical conduits. 

Can Schedule 40 PVC be used for electrical conduit? 

PVC with high tensile and impact strength as well as highly durable is the PVC Schedule 40. It is a product with many other pros than the other similar products. Like the fact that this one is much easier to install along with the fact that it has better sound reducing qualities. 

We understand that this product is great for the general case of its use. Now when it comes to being used as an electrical conduit they shine.  

The Schedule 40 PVC is an excellent alternative that can be installed for horizontal directional drilling conduits. Therefore, regardless of the initial use for its creation, they can be used for electrical conduits. 

Can you use PVC for underground and above-ground electrical conduits? 

The pipes known as CPVC and PVC are the ones that can be installed underground. These pipes can be available in a variety of thicknesses and grades. But they are an ideal material for use as underground electrical conduits. 

That goes for the underground part. Now if we count the above ground use of PVC pipes then again, we can see that these pipes are extraordinary candidates for such an occasion.  

We can use the PVC easily for any kind of above-ground work. Even if it involves being an electrical conduit. However, there are some complications before using this product as an electrical conduit

During the installation, we would need to pay extra attention to the rules, codes, and regulations laid by the authorities.  

3 reasons why you can use PVC for electrical conduit 

The reign of PVC in the market of plumbing is huge. But that should not discourage you from using them as electrical conduits. Because the usage of this product as an electrical conduit is not shy of that of plumbing. 

There are many reasons and many sciences behind the reasons why PVC can be used as an electrical conduit. However, we shall go over the basics and main things for your ease. 


PVC is designed in such a way that they are very compatible with water. They will not corrode due to the water’s content, while the copper pipes need to be maintained regularly to avoid corrosion. 


The PVC material’s a mixture of vinyl and plastic; thus, it makes the pipes very flexible. The flexibility allows for different alignments and designs as we desire. This way they can be used ideally for electrical conduits.


Even though the material seems to be less rigid than the other conduits available on the market, the PVC can hold its own against the metallic conduits of other materials in durability. Therefore, we can use them without having any fear of them failing. 

What kind of PVC is used for electrical conduit? 

PVC can be a great material that is used in the whole world for many different tasks. They are not exclusively used for plumbing-related things only.  

However, usually, the White in color PVC is used for water-related works. While the Gray color PVC is used for any kind of electrical work. One PVC, in particular, is rather designed for such a purpose, that is the Schedule 40 PVC conduit. 

The Schedule 40 PVC is perfect for conduit and cheaper than the other PVC materials. It also has a good amount of space inside. Thus, this allows for easy access to wires that will go through it.  

When can you use PVC for electrical conduit? 

When it comes to electrical conduits, there are many different materials that we can use. Half of them are designed to work in particular situations or environments. They are unable to be functional in areas where they are not designed for. 

If we take Electrical conduit PVC then the main reason they would be used is for making electrical bridges where the environment is damp. PVC conduit is usually used underground in wet locations where the wires need protection. 

Moreover, the PVC conduits are also UV tested and rated. Thus, they can be used in locations where they might be exposed to UV rays as well. 

How to connect PVC conduit to an electrical box? 

If you are in a situation where you have to do things alone then, keep reading below to know how to connect PVC conduit to an electrical box. 

Power off the grid: 

Power off the grid. This should always be the first step for any kind of electrical maintenance or work. So, we need to turn off the main breaker. 

Cut the conduit: 

In this step, we proceed to cut the conduit. Therefore, while we cut the tubes, we need to make sure the corners match along with the pathing system of our wiring. The edges need to fit through the fittings before we connect the PVC to the metal box. 

Smoothen out the freshly cut PVC parts: 

This is also another precautionary step that will keep the work environment safe. We need to smoothen out the freshly cut PVC parts after that. Because they can be hazardous if we don’t smoothen them out. 

Apply PVC cement:

We need to apply PVC cement. Our electrical PVC conduit does not need a primer. The manufacturer should provide us with cement or glue. 

Connect the PVC conduit:

Finally, we connect the PVC conduit with the electrical box. We recommend connecting one box at a time. 

Final Thoughts 

PVC for the electrical conduit is not uncommon among electricians. In this case, they sometimes even opt for this particular material due to its pros of being durable and flexible as well as the perfect conduit material to use in wet locations. Thus, PVC can be used as an electrical conduit.