Can You Use Dehumidifier in Garage? (Quick Answers)

Dehumidifiers are devices that are similar to air conditioners. People use dehumidifiers to remove any excess moisture from the air. They may do this either for thermal comfort or to maintain a standard humidity in a room to prevent mold or dust mites from thriving.

Using a dehumidifier in garage

Dehumidifiers are safe for use in a garage. High humidity in a garage can result in the growth of unsightly mold on the garage walls. Moreover, it will significantly damage the structural integrity of the building. You can use a dehumidifier to maintain low humidity in a garage.

Generally, garages do not have windows or proper ventilation systems. As a result, the moisture content in the air remains trapped inside the garage. This trapped moisture makes the air more humid and increases the humidity of the garage.

High humidity in a garage can be concerning. The moisture in the air can lead to growth of mold on the garage walls and cause the garage walls to become damp. Gradually, the moist air will disintegrate the structural integrity of the walls and the overall structure.

Moreover, if there are metal tools and wooden frames in the garage, the high humidity will damage them significantly. The metal tools will begin to rust, and the wooden framings will rot. 

Over time, the wooden structures and the metal tools will no longer be able to serve their purpose.

Water may enter the garage in many methods. One common path is through the garage door during heavy rainfall and storm. Another common way is from wet tires of cars that have been on wet roads.

Standing water, growth of mold on wooden materials in the garage, and a wet floor are signs that the garage has high humidity. To control the humidity, most people buy a dehumidifier for their garage. 

The dehumidifier removes the moisture from the air and maintains a low humidity level.

Dehumidifiers work by collecting the unnecessary moisture content in the air. When a dehumidifier is on, it pulls in the humid air. The water content from the moist air is then condensed and collected in a container inside the dehumidifier, and the dry air is released.

Dehumidifiers are the most efficient and direct way to deal with high humidity levels in the garage. Besides dealing with high humidity levels in the garage, they will also keep the moisture levels in check. 

Having the moisture level in control will prevent the mold spores from growing and the tools from rusting.

Will a dehumidifier help a hot garage?

Yes, a dehumidifier will help a hot garage. The surrounding temperature usually does not affect the work of a dehumidifier. However, it might have to work more due to the high temperature.

A hot garage will be more humid than a garage with cooler temperatures. The hot temperature inside the garage will provide the water molecules with enough energy to turn from liquid into gas. Hence, the humidity will increase.

A dehumidifier in a hot garage will have to work more than in a cool garage. It will take in the humid air, condense the water, and release the dry air back into the garage. You can expect the dehumidifier to collect a lot of water in its container after it has been on for some time.

What size dehumidifier do I need for garage?

Choosing the right size dehumidifier is critical. If you pick a dehumidifier that is too small for your garage, the dehumidifier will not work efficiently and will work for a long time. But, if you choose an unnecessarily large dehumidifier, it will turn on and off frequently.

To easily decide which size dehumidifier is best for your garage, you can check the humidity level in your garage. To check the humidity, you can use a hygrometer. After you know the humidity level in your garage, you can select the appropriate size of the dehumidifier.

You may already know that a 2-car garage is approximately 800 sq ft, and a single-car garage 500 sq ft. We will be discussing both types of garages, so it is easier for you to follow along and choose the perfect size dehumidifier.

 If your garage has 50 to 70 percent humidity, you should choose a 25-30-pint dehumidifier for a 500 sq ft garage or a 35-40-pint dehumidifier for an 800 sq ft garage. The air will feel heavy, or you may come across a musty smell if your garage has 50 to 70 percent humidity.

If your garage has 70 to 100 percent humidity, you should select a 35-45-pint dehumidifier for a 500 sq ft garage or a 45-50-pint dehumidifier for an 800 sq ft garage. If you see the walls are damp and the floor is wet, you will understand your garage has 70 to 100 percent humidity.

However, if you have a garage approximately 1200 sq ft or bigger choose a 50-60-pint dehumidifier. Having the right size dehumidifier will ensure efficiency and low electricity bills.

Where should I put my dehumidifier in garage?

Besides choosing the best size of the dehumidifier for your garage, the position of the dehumidifier in the garage is also important. Follow the points below to help decide where to place the dehumidifier.

Garage size:

If you have a 500-800 sq ft garage, you will only need a single dehumidifier. However, larger garages such as a 1200 sq ft garage will need multiple dehumidifiers to remove the moisture from the air. 

If you have multiple units, make sure they are evenly spread out to ensure effective operation.

Restrictions in airflow:

The dehumidifier takes in moist air and releases dry hot air from the back. Therefore, if the airflow is restricted by any car or boxes, the dehumidifier will not work properly. As a result, the garage will remain humid and the air will feel heavy.

Away from sunlight:

Dehumidifiers work best when they are positioned in dark areas. In the dark areas, the temperature is lower than in the area receiving direct sunlight. So, the dehumidifier does not warm up and can work effectively.

Source of moisture:

If you can locate the source of moisture, place the dehumidifier close to it. Doing so will prevent the air from getting humid, and the dehumidifier will not have to work for a long time. 

Therefore, the dehumidifier will use less electricity, and your garage will not get damp often.

Following these points, you can set your dehumidifier in the correct location. Setting the dehumidifier in the correct location will mean that you have a less humid garage and the floors will no longer be damp and slippery.

How do I dehumidify my garage?

The easiest way you can dehumidify your garage is by using a dehumidifier. You can follow the steps below to effectively dehumidify your garage.

Set the dehumidifier in the appropriate place:

For the dehumidifier to effectively dehumidify your garage, you need to put it in the appropriate location. Make sure that the location you chose has a power outlet nearby. The dehumidifier will need a power outlet to operate.

Turn on the dehumidifier:

After you have put the dehumidifier in its location and connected it to a power outlet, you turn on the dehumidifier. If your dehumidifier has an auto feature, turn that on. The auto feature will keep the humidity levels in check and run automatically when necessary.

However, if your dehumidifier does not have an auto feature, you can keep it on for a few hours and check your garage at regular time intervals. You can turn off the dehumidifier when the air feels lighter.

Connect the drain hose to the dehumidifier:

If your dehumidifier has a connection option for a drain hose, you can connect a pipe that leads outside the garage. The collected water will drain out of the house and you will not have to regularly check the dehumidifier container.

But if your dehumidifier does not have a drain facility, you will have to check the container regularly. When the container is almost full, empty the water container outside the garage and put it back again inside the dehumidifier.

By following the simple steps stated above, you can effortlessly dehumidify your garage. Keep in mind that you need to ensure the garage does not let in too much outside air. In that case, the dehumidifier will not work effectively.

Final Thoughts

High humidity in a garage can damage the structural integrity of the garage. So, it is necessary to dehumidify a garage. Using a dehumidifier is the simplest way to dehumidify a garage. Choosing the correct size of the dehumidifier and the appropriate location for it determines its effectiveness.