Can You Run a Window Air Conditioner Inside? (Explained)

In summer, air conditioners are a basic necessity for us. Among different types of air conditioners, window air conditioners are widely used everywhere.

But what to do if you don’t have a suitable window in the room? Can you set up a window AC without a window? Here is a complete guide to running a window AC inside.

Can you run a window air conditioner inside?

It’s possible to run a window air conditioner inside without a window. But it is not easy as the process needs some modifications. If you somehow manage to make a way to pass the hot air outside of your room through a hose, you can set the window air conditioner inside.

A window air conditioner is meant to be set up in the window. The AC uses the window as the venting point to release the hot air. 

But without setting it in the window, the machine releases hot air inside the room which eventually makes the room even hotter.

Let’s discuss the function of the window air conditioner without going too deep so you can understand what happens when you set the window air conditioner without any vent.

There are two parts of a window air conditioner. One part stays inside the room and the other one stays outside.

The inside part has an evaporator and fan. Which cools down the environment’s air and reduces humidity. 

The outside part has a compressor and condenser which helps to release hot air outside.

When you keep a window air conditioner inside a room, that will heat the room. 

That happens because the machine releases both cold air and hot air inside.

It releases more hot air as the machine uses electrical energy to cool down the air. The energy turns into heat and releases with the air. 

So, if you can release the hot air with a hose, it will cool the room down. Here’s where it gets tricky.

Most windows ac doesn’t have an inbuilt system to attach a hose with it. You may have to go to the professionals to make a system to vent the hot air.

However, there are portable air conditioners which is a far better option to set inside a room. Although the hot air needs to vent through the hose connected with the portable AC.

We will discuss the setting methods, safety, and other essential info in the next sections.

Is it safe to run an air conditioner inside?

The short answer is yes, it is safe to run an air conditioner inside a room. But the long answer can be divided into two parts. One is without ventilation and the other one is with proper ventilation and planning.

It is a bad idea to set up an air conditioner inside a room without ventilation. The machine will release more hot air than cool air. That will make the room even hotter. 

The AC will need to work hard to cool the room but that is not possible. As a result, the compressor of the can go bad and the AC can stop working. But there is no health or other risk to set window AC inside.

With proper ventilation, an inside window AC will work just as fine as the real setup. However, the performance will be slightly lower than the original setup as the machine itself may release some heat inside, but that should not make any difference.

What happens if you run a window air conditioner inside?

Running a window air conditioner inside without any modification does not help. It also can be harmful to your room’s environment. Here’s what happens if you still do it.

Heating your room:

AC drains the hot air from inside and releases outside air in the room after several steps of processing. When you run window AC inside the room, it takes room air and releases after processing. 

But the hot air and cool air do not get separated. When the AC runs for a while, it continuously adds some more heat to the cycle as a result the room gets hotter after a while.

Lowering humidity:

The window air conditioner not only decreases the temperature but also decreases the humidity of the room.

If a place has low humidity you will feel less hot and the sweat will be reduced. But the room will constantly heat up while reducing the humidity.

The AC can go bad:

Window AC can run all day in a typical summer season. When the temperature goes down to a point, the AC can rest for a while until the temperature slightly goes up.

But that does not happen when you keep your AC inside without any ventilation. The room gets hotter as the AC runs. The AC uses its full power to make the room cold. But it makes the room even hotter. 

By using its full power for a long time, the compressor of a window AC can go bad.

How can I run my air conditioner without a window inside?

If you have a window air conditioner without having a window in your room there are ways to run the AC. The ways can be easy or hard depending on your room’s position and some other factors. Let’s talk about the ways in detail.

For all the ways, the modification step is common. A professional can make the air-releasing sections separate from the AC. That will include two hoses, and a small pipe to discard the by-product. The ways are all about putting the pipe outside.


Your room may not have a window but it must have a door. You can pass the hot air through the door. Sliding doors are best for this setup.

But the door must be the way to the outside environment. A balcony door will work to set up the window AC. 

Note that, you can’t pass the hot air inside another room of your house. It will make that room hot by cooling down your room.

Make a hole in the wall:

A hole in the wall can be a good way to make an air passing way for your window AC unit. But don’t start to make holes right away. 

Usually, it’s not possible for everyone. If you have previous experience and own a drill machine, you can make a hole yourself. But it is always better to call a professional. 

But keep in mind, you can not drill through steel or thick walls without the help of a professional. 

Use chimney:

An unused chimney can help to ventilate the hot air from the window AC unit. Luckily, you would not need a chimney in summer and there is no need for AC in winter.

However, it’s still not easy to set up. You can’t do it yourself, it will need expert help and long hoses to cover the long length of the chimney. Make sure to remove the setup before winter.

Can you use a window air conditioner not in a window?

Yes, it is possible to use a window air conditioner without a window. For that hot air of the AC must be released outside through a pipe.

If you have a window but don’t have conditions to set the AC in it, you can run the AC by setting the air pipes in your window and keeping the AC inside.

A ventilator can also work to vent the hot air and bring air inside the machine. 

A chimney can also be used as an air passing system of AC. But that needs a big hose and probably help from a  professional. 

Why do window air conditioners have to be in a window inside?

As the name suggests, window air conditioners are made to be with a window. Here are the reasons for that.

Less used: 

In most of the rooms, windows are the only way to the outside environment. Moreover, windows are not often used as doors. 

Does not cause any problem:

Setting a window AC in your window will not cause any problem while using the window.

A way to ventilate the hot air:

Window AC produces hot air which must be removed outside to make the room cool. A window is the best option to do that in most houses.

Less costly:

Making big holes in the room and setting up AC will be costly and may not look good. Setting up the window AC unit in the window can save money too.

Final thoughts

It’s not ideal to run the window air conditioner inside the window. It’s possible but, may have to spend some money to modify the AC and your room. If you don’t have a window or the window is not suitable for setting window AC, go for a portable air conditioner.