Can You Put a Washer and Dryer on Carpet? (Answered)

The washer and dryer both are essential appliances of a house. It helps us keep our clothes clean and dry. It is often seen that a washer and dryer is either put on the floor or on a carpet.

You may ask if you can put a washer and dryer on the carpet or not. Let us help you provide the answer you are looking for and provide you with some necessary information.

Can you put a washer and dryer on the carpet?

You can put a washer but better not put a dryer on the carpet. Although, placing a washer and dryer on a carpet is not ideal as carpet is an expensive home decor used in a house. You can use it to put a washer but not a dryer. Though it helps in various ways to operate a washer and dryer.

A washer and dryer are used to wash and dry the clothes we use in our everyday lives. It is common to see carpets are used beneath a washer and dryer. There are specific reasons why it is used.

A washer and dryer sitting on a carpet reduce a lot of vibration. This helps to reduce the vibration caused by the appliances and the floor. If the floor is wooden or beneath it is hollow, it causes a lot of sound and vibration.

Many people may even use it to keep the area clean. A washer and dryer sit on the carpet to help prevent the excess water leaking from the appliances fall on the rug and avoid any hassle of getting the area dirty. It reduces a lot of time of a user and minimizes the hassle.

But in some places, it is prohibited to use a carpet beneath a washer and dryer. It is costly to maintain and change the carpet from time to time. Some manufacturers even advise not to use carpets beneath a washer and dryer.

Why washer or dryer on the carpet is not an ideal choice?

You may find people using a washer or dryer on a carpet. It may look good, but in the end, it may not be depending on the circumstances. There are multiple reasons why you should not put a washer or dryer on the carpet.

You may ask why it is not ideal for putting a washer or dryer on the carpet. Here are some significant reasons why we think it is not an ideal choice:

Putting a carpet under a washer and dryer may be useless:

You may use a carpet under a washer and dryer for decoration purposes. You may have your whole house carpeted, so you may think that you can use a carpet under your washer and dryer to complete the decoration. 

But it may be just useless. There is no possible reason behind utilizing a carpet under these machines.

The carpet may get wet by the water of the appliances:

Washers use water to clean clothes that we try to clean in it. When we transfer it to the dryer, we may leave a few drops of residue water of the clothes on the ground. These may use the carpet to get wet. 

As a result, your carpet may get damp and dirty by the water of the clothes and appliances.

The carpet may cause risks:

The carpet may cause various risks. If the carpet gets wet and you do not dry it, it may cause various bacteria and germs to build up in the wet carpet. These may cause various diseases. 

If you do not use a tumble dryer, then your carpet may get heated, resulting in a fire.

Is it safe to put a dryer or washer on the carpet?

Yes, it is safe to put a washer on a carpet but not a dryer based on some facts. It is seen at various houses that people use carpet beneath their dryers and washers. You may ask that is it safe to do this.

For a washer, this is safe to do. People do it for many reasons. The most common one is for decoration purposes. Many think that it may keep the house clean from the muddy water of the washer. 

But for dryers, although many people use carpets, it is not recommended by both manufacturers and experts.

Dryers tend to get hot at the bottom. If your dryer is not a tumble dryer, then your dryer can get hot at the bottom, which can cause the carpet to heat up. It may cause a fire at any time.

How to install a washing machine and dryer on a carpet?

You may ask how to install a washing machine and dryer on a carpet. Although you can install a washing machine on a carpet, you cannot install a dryer on a carpet. It is said that installing a dryer on a carpet is dangerous.

Therefore, you may ask how to install a washing machine on a carpet. Let us guide you through the steps that we think are the best for you:

Make a plywood cutout and set the washing machine on it:

Set the drip pan of the washing machine over a piece of plywood. Mark the size on the board and cut it out using a saw blade. Set the board on the carpet and place the pan on it. Place the machine on the pan. 

Connect the necessary pipes and inlets:

Wrap the inlets and outlets of the washing machine with plumber tape to ensure no water is leaking. Connect the hose of the hot water inlet to the designated inlet connector and secure it properly using couplings and pliers.

Do the same with the back inlets and pipes to extract the wastewater from the washing machine. Secure them in the same way as you did for the hot water.

Secure the washer drain hose properly:

Connect the washer drain hose into the drainpipe near the washing machine. Secure it properly with plastic cables or cable ties. Check if there is any leakage in the connection point in the pipes.

Connect the drain pan to a drain pipe:

After doing all the above, connect the drain pan to the floor drain or drain pipe so that the excess water that falls on the pan can go away. If you do not do this part, you may risk getting your carpet dirty and wet. This may cause a lot of mess for you.

Set the washing machine in place:

After doing everything, place the washing machine properly in place. After setting it, plug it in the power socket and your machine is ready on the carpet to use.

Can you put a rug under a washer and dryer?

Based on facts, you cannot put a rug under a washer and dryer, but it depends on your machine and use. Dryers tend to get hot at the bottom. If your dryer is not a tumble dryer, it is possible that the bottom of your dryer may get hot.

As a result, it may cause the rug to get hot, which may start a fire. Thus, there is a chance of a fire. But if you maintain the risks and do accordingly, you can use a rug under a washer and dryer.

Can I put a rubber mat under the washing machine?

Yes, you can put a rubber mat under the washing machine. Rubber mats are widely used under washing machines. It has various helpful features.

A rubber mat helps to prevent any mold and bacteria growth if it gets wet. It can avoid any accidental spills on the floor and keep the appliance in place.

What can I put under my washing machine to protect the floor?

You can put a drain pan under your washing machine to protect the floor. It is common to see people using vinyl boards in the washing room. It can also be tiled. These may get faded and damaged due to the washing machine’s water.

To prevent any kind of accidental spills, you can use a drain pan. It can catch the excess water in the pan and catch it.

Can a dryer sit directly on the floor?

Yes, a dryer can sit directly on the floor. Manufacturers recommend that you place your dryer on an even floor. It helps to run the machine properly. Thus, it is better if you set it on the floor directly. It will operate properly without any issue and will not cause any overheating.

Final thoughts

You can put a washer and dryer on the carpet. But if you want to put a dryer on a carpet, it must be a tumble dryer. If it is not that, there is a chance of a fire. Moreover, using a carpet beneath a washer has no use. Thus, if you use it, that is your choice while maintaining safety.