Can You Put Ties in the Washer? (All You Need to Know)

The neckties have evolved to be used for decorative purposes nowadays. However, primarily, ties were made for functional purposes to hold a cloth snug on the upper body, trap heat, and be used as a handkerchief simultaneously.

Now, let us learn how to clean when we accidentally get our ties dirty and gain more knowledge on the topic of neckties.

Cleaning ties in the washer:

Ties can be cleaned by putting them in a washer. However, care should be paid towards the type of fabric the tie has, the care label sewn on it, and the mode of wash the washer has since a wash mode other than a gentle cycle might cause unnecessary damage to the ties.

Neckties are delicate and fragile with intricate stitchings and foldings that might get damaged, wrinkled, or torn if put in a washer since washers are usually powerful and rough.

But, the damage can be lessened or avoided if the washer is put in its gentlest modes of wash. Some guides to washing ties are mentioned below:


Silk ties are one of the most delicate of all types of ties and are hard to wash. They cannot be put in the washer for their intricate stitchings and fabric and as a result, has to be either dry-cleaned or hand-washed.

If dry-cleaning is not possible or one does not have time for it, use other methods like a spoon or butter knife to scrape off the food, or use a dry or a wet napkin.

But care should be taken while using damp napkins since water spots are a common phenomenon when it comes to silks.


Linen ties do not tend to be as delicate as silk ties, and as a result, they can be washed in washers.

But, even though the fabric is not extra delicate, the piece of clothing still needs extra care due to its delicate stitchings and careful foldings which might get creased or torn if haphazardly put in a washer without setting the necessary modes.

To avoid damaging the ties, the modes should be carefully put. One thing everyone must avoid is bleach.


Like linen ties, cotton ties can be washed via washers, as well. However, it is way intelligent to avoid using washers due to their aggressive cleaning methods if one can manage to wash the ties in hand.

If one still prefers to clean the ties by a washer, the washer needs to be put into its gentlest wash cycle otherwise one would irrevocably damage their ties.


Knit ties are mostly made of wool, silk, or cotton. They should not be put in the washers.

Wool tends to felt, while silk has very delicate stitchings and easily gets water spots. They should either be dry-cleaned or hand washed.


Like cotton, polyester is not that delicate of fabrics but ties made of polyester will still be delicate due to their stitchings and foldings and will be damaged if put in the washer.

If one cannot but clean the ties in a washer, they must make sure the washers are in their soft-clean mode to avoid damage. Like cotton, bleach should also be avoided since it has the tendency to damage the white ties.


Wool is a type of fabric that has the tendency to felt. They tend to be delicate and damaged easily. As a result, they should not be put inside washers.

When wool fabrics felt, they are wispy and look unseemly, and they felt when they come in contact with water or moisture and are aggressively rubbed together or agitated, all of which will happen when they are put in a washer.

How to wash a tie in the washer?

Neckties are delicate and are prone to damage if handled or washed roughly. Therefore, it is better to avoid washing them in a washer and to get them dry-cleaned or hand-washed.

Knowing the fabric:

Some fabrics are more delicate than others and it is better to avoid washing the extra-fragile fabrics, to not put them in the washer and instead be hand-washed.

For instance, wool ties are more prone to damage than cotton, while silk ties are more delicate than wool. Therefore, it is very important to know the type of fabric.

Checking Labels:

Every tie has a label sewn in it that gives a brief guide for what to be or not to be used on the ties.

Some clearly say for the tie not to be washed in a washer, some label the tie to be only dry-washed or hand-washed. On some labels, the manufacturers strictly forbid washing the ties in hot water or in washers.

Pre-treating the stains:

Pre-treating the tie is essential since washers might not always clean the stain, dirt, or gunk completely.

There are different pre-treating methods for different kinds of stains and fabrics. The steps should be followed diligently.

Setting the right mode/cycle:

The washer should be set on its gentle cycle which is as close as the washer can be to a hand wash. If not put in that mode, it will damage the ties.

Tips to wash a tie without a washing machine:

Even without washers, precautions are necessary when ties are involved.

Examine the fabric:

Silk fabrics easily attain water spots and also tend to lose their color if submerged in water for more than five minutes, hence extra care should be taken.

Wool fabrics have a tendency to felt or shrink if not washed correctly. Moreover, they might frizz and shrink if used wrong water temperatures

Cotton fabrics are easy to wash and maybe the only fabric that can be washed in the washer confidently but white ties might get yellow if bleach is used.

Pre-treating procedures:

This is probably the most important part of washing a tie and must be known. Most of the damage is controlled when one has quick knowledge of how to do damage control when it comes to neckties.

There are different procedures for different types of stains and they’ll be briefly introduced below.

Firstly, when someone accidentally spill their food on their ties, it’s necessary to immediately scrape off the food using a spoon or a butter knife.

We can also use dry napkins and wipe the tie gently, and in one direction. We must not be aggressive. When it comes to wet napkins, we should not rub but rather try to dab the stains away.

If the food is greasy, the best way to clean out the oil is to pour either talcum powder, flour, or cornstarch on the stain, and leave for a few hours. The powder soaks up the oil and then we can wipe it off.

Secondly, we have the ink stains. If the tie has an ink stain, the best course of action is to let it dry and not use water, because that might speak the ink.

After it is dry, take a cloth and soak in rubbing alcohol before blotting the stain and letting it dry. Steps are to be repeated until the stain disappears.

Storing the ties:

Wrinkling the ties should be avoided and there are two ways of storing to avoid that.

First, we can hand the ties on a hanger or some pegs installed on a wall or cupboard. Second, we can roll the ties into rolls and put them in a drawer or box.

Steam-ironing the ties:

According to the fabrics, the temperature of the iron should be maintained.

While silk and polyester ties can be ironed at low temperatures, wools need the medium, and cotton needs high temperatures.

Can you put ties in the dryer? What’s the best way to dry ties?

No, ties cannot be put in the dryer to dry since that might damage the stitchings or the shell.

Machine dryers tend to be very rough and aggressive which might damage the ties which tend to be delicate with fragile linings and foldings. As a result, if a tie is wet, we have to avoid dryers and use more traditional drying methods instead.

Neckties can be hanged somewhere and air-dried, which is the best way to dry ties. Or, if we are in a hurry, they can be dried and simultaneously made wrinkle-free with steam ironing.

But, care should be maintained in the case of stem-ironing as well. A low temperature should be used while ironing silk and polyester ties while medium and high for wool and cotton respectively.

But, under no circumstances, should cloth iron be used since it might damage the natural, voluminous appearance of the tie.

Final thoughts

Ties can be cleaned in the washer but the washing machine must be in its gentlest cycle which equals to a hand wash, and use lukewarm or cool water. But, to be on the safe side, washers should be avoided and instead have dry cleans and hand washes.