Can a Refrigerator and Freezer Be on the Same Circuit?
Both the refrigerator and freezer have become must-have items in our households. However, sometimes, there might not be enough space for plugging in the refrigerator and freezer in different circuits.
So, you might be wondering if you can connect a freezer and refrigerator on the same circuit. Let’s find out all you need to know about putting a refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit.
Can a refrigerator and freezer be on the same circuit?
You cannot put a refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit because the electrical load consumption will surpass the circuits’ capacity. In fact, when you turn on both the appliances at the same time, they will pull a huge amount of load, causing the circuit breaker to trip.
It is best to put the refrigerator and freezer on separate dedicated circuits if you want the refrigerator and freezer to run without any issues.
Since freezers and refrigerators are heavy appliances, the circuit breaker will trip frequently if both of them are connected on the same circuit.
When you connect a refrigerator and freezer in the same circuit, it will draw a huge amount of load.
A circuit has a specific capacity of load consumption. If the appliances draw more load than the circuits’ capacity, they will trip, turning off the power supply to the appliances, as well as the premature failure of your appliances.
However, it is possible for a refrigerator and freezer to be on one outlet if you can figure out a way to turn them at different times. Otherwise, the outlet will draw more load than it can withstand, tripping the circuit breaker.
Turning on different appliances plugged in on the same circuit at separate times is very difficult. As a result, you should connect the refrigerator and freezer to dedicated circuits.
Dedicated circuits are basically dedicating a circuit in your home to a single appliance to provide the safest and most efficient environment for your appliances.
There’s a better chance you won’t overheat your electrical system and cause harm if the refrigerator and freezer have their own specific location in your electrical toolbox.
Is it safe to put the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit?
It is definitely not safe to put the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit. If you put the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit, the circuit breaker will trip quite frequently.
The refrigerators and freezers consume electric current between three to six amps. A circuit can withstand such a load of two appliances without any issue.
But, while starting up, the freezers and refrigerators draw around three times the original electrical energy required.
The standard circuits usually can handle around 20 amps. However, the electrical current consumption of the refrigerator and freezer will be much higher than 20 amps on start-up.
As a result, the circuit breaker will trip during start-up if you connect both the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit.
When the circuit breaker will trip, the appliances will shut down, resulting in wastage of food. The compressor of the refrigerator and freezer can also get damaged if these appliances turn on and off frequently due to circuit breaker trips.
When you connect the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit, the circuit breaker will trip, shutting off the appliances. The constant turning on and off will have a huge toll on the machines, causing permanent damage.
3 reasons why you cannot put refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit
There are various reasons why you cannot and should not put the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit. By plugging these two appliances together in the same circuit you can damage them permanently.
Let’s take a look in detail at why you shouldn’t plug the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit.
Frequent tripping:
On start-up, a refrigerator and freezer, like any other motor load, can draw up to six times its running current. A circuit can withstand up to 20 amps of electric current.
The motor load appliances draw a current much higher than 20 amps during start-up. So, the circuit breaker will frequently trip if you put the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit, interrupting the overall operation.
Power surge:
Due to their cyclical nature, a freezer or refrigerator might produce a power spike. During the cooling process, they switch on and off to maintain a constant temperature. Their ‘on’ cycles can increase the amount of current required.
It’s possible that both the freezer and refrigerator will opt to increase their power consumption at the same moment.
If they are kept on the same circuit, there is a higher chance that your homes’ electrical system will become overloaded, causing various serious problems.
Putting the freezer and refrigerator on dedicated circuits reduces the likelihood of a power surge.
Appliances will last shorter:
When you plug the freezer and refrigerator on a single circuit, the circuit will trip due to power overload. The circuit tripping will leave a huge strain on the appliances, which will reduce their lifespan.
Does a fridge freezer need a dedicated circuit? Can a refrigerator share a circuit?
A fridge freezer needs a dedicated circuit to function without any interruption. A dedicated circuit is basically dedicating a particular circuit for only one appliance. They serve as a kind of home security system.
Refrigerators require three to six amps of electric current to work. The current usage can spike up to six times while starting up.
A circuit can only withstand a current load of 20 amps. So, if the freezer is connected on a dedicated circuit, it won’t trip due to electrical overload.
The refrigerator can’t share a circuit without tripping once in a while. This is due to the fact that refrigerators tend to increase power consumption during the cooling process.
Drawing the cooling process, if another appliance is connected with the refrigerator in the same circuit, it will overload and will trip the circuit.
What happens when you put refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit?
Numerous things can happen when you put the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit. The consequences can be as severe as permanent damage to the appliances.
Have a look at what happens when you put the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit.
High danger of food waste:
A circuit breaker can trip anytime if you put the refrigerator and freezer on the same circuit. It can occur due to power overload.
There is very little danger of your food getting wasted when you are home if the circuit breaker trips because you can fix it at the right time.
However, during a trip, if your circuit breaker trips due to overload you won’t be able to fix it. In fact, you won’t even know that the circuit of your refrigerator and freezer is tripped. In that case, there is a high chance that all your food will get damaged.
More circuit breaker problems:
Circuit breakers are similar to your home’s main switch. They will trip, turning off to protect you and your house, if it detects too much electricity running through one of the circuits it regulates.
If you put the freezer and refrigerator on the same circuit, circuit breaker problems will arise frequently.
Power overloading:
The refrigerator and freezer turn on and off as a part of the cooling mechanism. Both the appliances can turn on at the same time, which will cause power overloading in the circuit. The power overload can cause major circuit breaker issues.
Can I run two refrigerators on the same outlet?
You cannot run two refrigerators on the same outlet without tripping the circuit breaker. A circuit breaker trips when more electricity passes through the circuit than it can withstand.
Two refrigerators on the same outlet will draw more electric load than the capacity of the outlet. As a result, the circuit breaker of the outlet will trip.
A refrigerator turns on and off when required to maintain the set temperature. It is possible that both the refrigerators will turn on at the same time, drawing a huge amount of power at a time.
This will cause the appliances’ circuit breaker to trip and shut down the power.
Final Thoughts
A refrigerator and freezer cannot be plugged in on the same outlet and circuit. They will consume more electric current during start-up than the circuit’s capacity. As a result, the circuit breaker will trip, turning off both the refrigerator and freezer.