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Can Pyrex Go from Fridge or Freezer to Oven? (Answered)

There are a lot of speculations around the proper way to use cookware that is made of pyrex as they are delicate and fragile. People often find themselves concerned regarding where to use pyrex cookware and the temperature that needs to be maintained.

We often stumble upon a question of whether pyrex can go from fridge or freezer to oven. In this article, we will break down the many aspects associated with it. Read ahead to learn more about it.

Can pyrex go from fridge or freezer to oven?

Yes, pyrex can go from fridge or freezer to oven directly. But you will have to keep the temperature levels in check. Cookware made of pyrex is fragile and may break under fluctuating temperatures. It can go directly from the fridge or freezer to the oven at a temperature of 300 degrees.

You can send cookware made of pyrex, including the pie plates, bailing dishes, and glasses, directly from the fridge or freezer to the oven. But always keep in mind that the temperature of the oven needs to be in control. Let’s see a breakdown in the following section:

From fridge to the oven:

It is considered safe to send glassware made of pyrex directly from the fridge to an oven. But it is important to preheat the oven before you put the glassware inside.

Make sure that you are keeping the temperature inside the oven in check. Also, note that when you’re taking the pyrex from a refrigerator to a microwave, it should not reach a high temperature right after you’ve put cold glassware inside.

Otherwise, the pyrex may break.

From freezer to the oven:

While it is considered that glassware cannot handle sudden temperature change well, you can still bring a pyrex directly from the freezer to the oven. But make sure that you are controlling the temperature.

Most glassware made of pyrex can tolerate a thermal shock up to 220 degrees Fahrenheit. So as long as you can keep the temperature in check, it is safe to take glassware, pie plates, baking dishes, glasses, etc from the freezer to the oven.

From fridge or freezer to preheated oven:

Yes, you can take a pyrex directly from the fridge or freezer to the preheated oven. This helps minimize the thermal shock for the pyrex glassware.

In addition, your glassware will have enough time to adjust to the forthcoming temperature fluctuation if you’re planning to cook in high temperatures.

Can pyrex go from oven to freezer or fridge?

Yes, you can put a pyrex from the oven to a freezer or fridge. It will not cause any trouble as long as the temperature shift is moderate. Pyrex glassware can withstand a thermal shock that measures up to 220 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you think that the pyrex was in high temperature inside the oven, then it would be best to wait for a while until the glassware cools down to room temperature. Otherwise, the high thermal shock can cause the glassware to break.

If the oven was operating within 300 degrees Fahrenheit, then you can take the pyrex from the oven to the freezer or fridge without any hesitation.

What happens if pyrex goes straight from cold to hot?

When pyrex goes straight from cold to hot, it experiences a great level of thermal shock. This may cause the glassware to sustain cracks. It may even break or shatter if the thermal shock is too intense.

The original Pyrex glassware is a family of Borosilicate glasses and they can withstand higher levels of thermal shock. They are designed to withstand sudden changes in temperature which makes them quite resistant to thermal shocks.

However, most of the modern pyrex glassware are not true to their origin. Now more often than not, pyrex is made of soda-lime. This has reduced their tolerance to sudden temperature changes, making them vulnerable.

So the pyrex glassware in the current market is likely to sustain crack or breakage when they go straight from cold to hot. Even if they do not shatter completely, your pyrex glassware may sustain cracks which will make them unhealthy for further use.

So if you’re bringing pyrex glassware out of a cold environment, it is best to wait for it to reach near room temperature before putting it inside a hot environment. This will help the pyrex last longer.

Can pyrex go in the oven at 350°C, 400°C, 450°C, and 500°C?

Pyrex glasses are known for their ability to withstand high temperatures in ovens, microwaves, and stoves. They work efficiently, conducting heat evenly across the pot.

You can cook in pyrex glassware for longer than most other glassware, which makes them incredibly convenient for users.

But there is a lot of speculation around how high the temperature can go without breaking pyrex glassware. So let’s end the confusion.

Pyrex glasses can go in the oven at 350°C, 400°C, and 450°C. But it is advised that you should not put pyrex glasses in ovens at a temperature higher than 450 degrees. So pyrex cannot go in the oven at 500°C.

What temperature is pyrex safe in the oven?

A pyrex is safe in the oven at any temperature up to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. While it is considered that Pyrex can withstand very high temperatures for longer periods, this is the safest limit for this glassware.

Any higher than that and the glassware may break or shatter; it may even end up causing injuries.

Pyrex is among the very few types of glasses that are considered oven-safe. They can work under high temperatures for a relatively long period of time. But you will still have to be careful while working with pyrex as it is fragile and can cause accidents.

If the glassware reaches a temperature higher than 425 degrees, it may undergo thermal shock. This may lead to shattering, breaking, or cracking of the glass.

What causes a Pyrex dish to shatter?

Since Pyrex is made of glass, it is fragile and prone to thermal shock. There are many reasons that may cause a pyrex dish to shatter.

While they are designed to withstand higher temperatures and higher levels of thermal shock, there are still great possibilities for the glass to shatter.

Let’s take a look at some of the most prominent reasons why pyrex dishes shatter.

Thermal shock:

Glasswares are generally prone to thermal shock. When glass goes through a sudden change in temperature, different parts of it expand and contract at an unusual rate. This causes the glass to shatter.

While pyrex has a greater tolerance for thermal shock in comparison to other glassware, it will still shatter when you take it directly from a very hot environment to a cold environment.

The temperature shift is too sudden in such a case which means the thermal shock is too high. If it faces a thermal shock any greater than that, then the pyrex glassware is likely to break.

Too many cracks:

When you have been using Pyrex glassware for too long, it is likely that it has several cracks on its body. These cracks may not always be visible to the eyes as they are micro-cracks that have been developed over time.

So if you’re using old pyrex glassware, it may crack when you apply moderate heat to it.

How to make sure pyrex doesn’t shatter?

Although pyrex glassware is designed to be long-lasting, they are still fragile and can break or shatter under different circumstances. Here is a list of things that you can do to make sure that pyrex doesn’t shatter.

Do not cook a dry dish in a pyrex:

Pyrex can withstand high temperatures. You can put it inside the oven and apply high levels of heat to it to cook different types of dishes. But keep in mind that pyrex works best when the dish has water as it conducts heat evenly in such a case.

Do not use it on the stovetop:

Pyrex can withstand high temperatures but it is still prone to thermal shock. So it is best not to put it directly on the stovetop as it may cause the glassware to break due to thermal shock. Putting it on the stovetop for a long period may cause pyrex to shatter.

Is Snapware microwave safe?

Yes, Snapware is microwave safe. Not only that but they are also safe to be used in an oven, refrigerator, freezer, and more. In addition, you can put this cookware into a dishwasher for easy and quick cleaning. 

Final thoughts

Pyrex can go from fridge or freezer to oven directly as long as the temperature is moderate. Pyrex can only withstand a thermal shock up to 220 degrees. So if the glassware was in an very cold fridge or freezer, it is best to wait for a while before putting it in the oven.